
A U.N. envoy met with Myanmar's detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Sunday after meeting with Myanmar's junta leaders, amid growing international calls for the government to bring a peaceful end to its crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

A senior Japanese official left for Myanmar on Sunday to convey international concerns over a deadly crackdown on anti-government protests, while hundreds of Myanmar nationals and activists staged demonstrations in Japan and South Korea.

But there were few signs that China, Myanmar's biggest trading partner, was ready for any immediate action in dealing with the junta despite growing international calls for it to exercise its influence.

U.N. envoy Ibrahim Gambari arrived in Myanmar Saturday and was taken directly to Naypyitaw, where the junta leaders are based. Diplomats earlier indicated he would not go there unless he was assured a meeting with the top leader, Senior Gen. Than Shwe.

Gambari flew back to Yangon Sunday and was taken to the State Guest House on University Avenue for a meeting with Suu Kyi, according to diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, citing protocol.

Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka was set to arrive in Myanmar's biggest city, Yangon, on Sunday evening, a Foreign Ministry official said on condition of anonymity, citing policy.

Meetings were being arranged between Yabunaka and Myanmar's Foreign Minister Nyan Win and Home Affairs Minister Maj. Gen. Maung Oo, Japan's Kyodo News agency reported.

The Japanese official said he could not confirm the agency's report.

Officials have said Yabunaka plans to protest the death of Japanese journalist Kenji Nagai, who was killed in Yangon on Thursday when soldiers fired automatic weapons into a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators.

About 800 Myanmar nationals and 80 Japanese demonstrated in a downpour in Tokyo carrying banners calling for the end of military rule and the release of Suu Kyi who remains under house arrest, according to Sayaka Miyazawa, an organizer.

One activist carried a portrait of Shwe with a "Killer" written above his face.

Protesters planned to light candles in front of the Myanmar Embassy later Sunday in protest of the crackdown, she said.

In Seoul, South Korea, about 300 activists, including some 150 Myanmar nationals, demonstrated outside the Myanmar Embassy.

"I miss (home) every day, every minute, every second. Especially when I heard about the democratic uprising in Burma," said Nay Tun Naing of Myanmar's National League for Democracy's Korean Branch.

Several Myanmar protesters shave their heads to show determinations during the rally.

The protesters also burned a Myanmar flag and some of them hold banners that read "Stop killing democracy protesters."

Meanwhile, China, India and Russia appeared unprepared for any immediate action, ruling out sanctions.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, a 10-member bloc which includes Myanmar, also gave no indication that it is considering an expulsion or any other action.