
An alarmingly large number of teenagers are becoming afflicted with hypersexuality, the Times of India reported Tuesday.

Hypersexuality, which is often associated with bouts of mania, is an increased need for sexual gratification.

And teenagers who are not having intercourse are turning to pornography and masturbation, doctors told the newspaper.

“Children are now being brought up on a heavy dose of adult material through audio-visual and print media,” said Siladitya Ray, a consultant psychiatrist at Ruby General Hospital in Kolkata, India, who has been treating a steady stream of hypersexual patients.

“They are growing up faster and seeking adult pleasures without realizing that they don’t have the maturity to deal with it. As a result, they are getting addicted to them.”

Doctors are worried because the disorder is afflicting people so young. Another Indian psychiatrist, Debashish Roy, said the disorder usually strikes women in their 20s and men in their 30s and beyond, but he is seeing teenagers of both genders completely addicted to pornography.

Many youths do not realize they have a problem, both doctors said.

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