
Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.  Thanks for watching us tonight.

More evidence that our freedoms are in jeopardy.  That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.  Less than an hour after President Bush signed a ban on partial birth abortions, overwhelmingly passed in Congress, a federal judge in Nebraska has blocked the law.

Once again, one judge is dictating how Americans will live.  We'll have an in-depth report coming up. Of course the American Civil Liberties Union (search) is thrilled with the judge's action.

And the ACLU has won another victory in Michigan.  You simply will not believe this -- on October 16, 2000 a 16-year-old student named Alexander Smith stood up in the cafeteria of Mount Pleasant High School (search) and called the school principal, Betty Kirby, "a skank and a tramp."

The student also questioned the sexuality of the assistant principal and referred to school administrators as Nazis.  Smith was suspended for 10 days.

Enter the ACLU, which sued the Mount Pleasant school district, saying the boy's rights were violated.  In a statement the ACLU says, "The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan challenged the law on behalf of Alexander Smith, an honor student at Mt. Pleasant High School who was suspended for committing a 'verbal assault' by writing a parody of the school's tardy policy."

Once again vicious speech is labeled a parody, a satire.  It's obvious what's going on here.  Attacked speech is hiding behind these erroneous labels.  Incredibly, the ACLU won its case.  A federal judge, David Lawson, ruled that Michigan's verbal assault law is unconstitutionally broad and vague and therefore cannot be enforced.

To be fair, the judge also ruled that Alexander Smith could be punished by the school, provided the discipline did not offend the First Amendment.  This, of course, is insane and will lead to more challenges when unruly students verbally assault teachers across the country, just what the ACLU wants.

Again, this advocacy group is determined to impose a secular agenda on the USA.  That is, they don't want any judgments made about private actions, even if those actions undermine discipline in the public schools.

As usual the ACLU would not appear with us this evening, because they don't want you to know about this case, or their defense of NAMBLA in Massachusetts, or their assault on Christmas or the attack on the Boy Scouts.

Hey, if you don't get it by now, you're never going to get it.  The ACLU is the most dangerous organization currently operating in America.

Now what can be done?  Nothing as far as speech is concerned.  These people have the right to litigate whatever they want.  But concerned Americans should be forming organizations themselves to fight the ACLU in the courtrooms and in the court of public opinion.

Every state should have an anti ACLU group.  There are thousands of decent American lawyers who should be using their skills to protect the American people.

Talking Points believes the ACLU's agenda is totally out of control and is impacting every American.  These people must be stopped.  And that's The Memo.

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day"...

Another sign that civilization, as we know it, is ending.

Porn performer Mary Cary, who ran for governor in California, is co-hosting a new program called Can You Be a Porn Star?  The show is set to run on the In Demand Network -- whatever that is.  Whoever wins the program's competition gets $100,000 and a porn contract.

Does it get any better than that?  Or any more ridiculous?

--You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com