
To help navigate what's happening at the Democratic National Convention, FOXNews.com provides the following crib sheet on the highlights from Monday:

Teresa Heinz Kerry offered up Monday's quote of the day, although not one anyone scripted for the podium. She told Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, to "shove it." Read the story and watch McNickle's comments on FOX News.

Before either Bill Clinton or his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, make their own individual speeches from the podium, some speculated that this high-powered former president or his spouse and potential future presidential candidate would upstage the current ticket. Did they? Check out Bill Clinton's speech and Hillary Clinton's speech.

The Clintons certainly weren't the only speakers on the convention's first night. Among the others:

Al Gore — the party's 2000 presidential candidate urged Democrats to make sure to turn out at the polls. "Take it from me, every vote counts," Gore said. Read his remarks.

Jimmy Carter — the one-term president (who beat one Republican incumbent in 1976 only to lose his bid for a second term four years later), concentrated his remarks on foreign policy. "At stake is nothing less than our nation's soul," Carter said in his remarks.

FOXNews.com sent our reporters out in and around the FleetCenter to find out what some of the Democratic interest groups think about John Kerry.

Liza Porteus kept tabs on all the proceedings on the convention floor and wrote a full wrap of the day.

Peter Brownfeld stopped in and noticed how, compared with a group of enthusiastic Latin-American Democrats next door, gay and lesbian Democrats were more of the "we hate Bush" camp than they were "we love Kerry."

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos reported on some of the men who served with Kerry in Vietnam — the candidate's "band of brothers" — and found an intensely loyal bunch.

And political editor Sharon Kehnemui canvassed the troops for the tidbits that didn't make it into their stories for a reporter's notebook.

Elsewhere in Conventionland on Monday:

— National security is a key thrust at this convention as Democrats seek to find a way to have Kerry effectively challenge one of President Bush's strong suits.

— The media hordes are joined at this convention by the bloggers, those independent Web scribes. They even have their own patch of territory called Bloggers' Boulevard.

— John Edwards, the man soon to be nominated as the Democratic vice presidential candidate, remained at home in North Carolina working on his speech.

And what about the Republicans? Although Bush is spending the week at his Texas ranch, he has political representatives in Boston to offer a rebuttal to the Democrats. "We're behind enemy lines and we're well aware of that fact," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie.

The protester front was fairly quiet, a day after a federal judge refused to let anti-abortion groups demonstrate in front of Kerry's town house in Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood.

Interested in more? Check out some of the other stories highlighted elsewhere on this page. And check back for Tuesday's wrap-up.