
Democratic National Committee (search) chairman Terry McAuliffe (search) wants to know why Republicans won't release a full list of delegate names to the upcoming GOP convention in New York.

The RNC has said it will leave it up to states to decide whether to publicize delegates' identities, citing security reasons and confidentiality.

As an example, Chairman Ed Gillespie (search) two weeks ago pointed to Web sites that invited protesters to "show them the kind of welcome they can expect in New York."

The DNC released a full list of its convention delegates weeks before its convention in Boston in late July, McAuliffe said.

"What do they have to hide?" McAuliffe asked. "These are the people who will ratify the Republican Party platform, and the American people have the right to know who they are. Republicans can't have it both ways."

McAuliffe's response came a day after GOP convention organizers said 15 percent of their delegates were military veterans. Not releasing a full delegate list prevents the public from substantiating such claims, he said.