
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, June 24, 2002, that was edited for clarity. Click here for complete access to all of Neil Cavuto's CEO interviews.

Watch Your World w/Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: But it seems no one trusts corporate America these days, even the wealthy. Sound a little surprising? Well, think about it. A lot of those rich folks are the very ones who hold top jobs in the corporate world. So, who better than they to know what's going on the corporate world. Results of the U.S. Trust Survey of affluent Americans out today, and some disturbing trends.

Joining us now from Fox central with details on this is the president of U.S. Trust, Maribeth Rahe. Miss Rahe, thanks for joining us.

MARIBETH RAHE, PRESIDENT, U.S. TRUST: Thank you for inviting us.

CAVUTO: So, in a nutshell, the rich are bummed out, right?

RAHE: Well, in a nutshell, one of the things that we learned in this survey that was very significant is that they have very grave concerns about what is going on in the economy. In fact, we asked them consistently about their worries and concerns. And two of the five concerns that they registered this year have to do with the world economy and the impact.

CAVUTO: All right. What is amazing is the overwhelming majority of whom say they don't even trust the information that they get and that they should be tired of regulation regarding financial disclosure. I think close to nine out of 10 of them feel that way. Odd.

RAHE: Neil, you are correct; 85 percent said that they feel that there should be tighter regulation on financial disclosures by public corporations. Over 70 percent indicated that they aren't sure that they can rely on the corporate financial statements that are being presented.

Over 70 percent also said the same thing about their concerns about the stock market and corporate management. Sixty-six percent, in fact, said that they couldn't trust corporate management. And I think it was 58 percent that indicated that they had concerns about corporate auditors, independent corporate auditors.

CAVUTO: But here is what is interesting, Miss Rahe. A lot of these guys are corporate management. What is the criteria to be in this survey, $300,000 or more of income or a net worth in excess of $3.5 million. So I would imagine a good many of these guys, women, are in management, right?

RAHE: Interestingly, I think the respondents are about maybe 30 percent corporate executives.

CAVUTO: So they hate themselves.

RAHE: Forty-one percent actually earned their income through the corporate employment, but it's only about 30 percent. The majority of the rest of the respondents actually are retired or in private business or in a profession.

CAVUTO: Now, what's interesting about this, and I'll leave it on this note here, it seems that if these are the folks who are saying, no mas, we have had it, we do not trust anyone, they are not putting the money in, then that is a very important barometer for this market, is it not?

RAHE: Interesting, they are, in fact, still invested in the market; 70 percent of the respondents indicated that they are either holding their position, 52 percent, and 18 percent actually saw this as a buying opportunity.

CAVUTO: But I would assume with 18 percent did, you know, 82 percent either did not or were just sort of mixed?

RAHE: No, 70 percent actually are staying in the market. So it was about 22 percent that indicated that they were going to a safer investments.

CAVUTO: All right. So staying in the market does not necessarily mean adding to the market, right, or does it?

RAHE: Staying in the market is, I think, an optimistic sign.

CAVUTO: OK. Thank you very much. I appreciate, Miss Rahe, joining us in studio.

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