
Madonna, Martin Scorsese, Matthew Broderick and Benjamin Bratt in the post-Julia Roberts afterglow of The Foxlight.

Madonna the barmaid? The New York Post says she's the material gimlet, searching for a London locale to open a posh members-only saloon. However, her reps deny the report - she's pretty busy these days on her big tour. Still, the drinks would be fascinating, I'll have a Like a Virgin Mary and my friend would like the Papa Don't Peach Schnapps.

Was he looking for pointers? Martin Scorsese was spotted recently at the New York stage production of Six Goombahs and a Wannabe. Maybe he just wanted to make sure they didn't steal all the good lines from Goodfellas.

Is Matthew Broderick getting ready to wash out wife - and Sex and the City star - Sarah Jessica Parker's mouth with a lot of soap? He was test driving a few bath tubs the other day at midtown Manhattan store. He liked the Empire Tub for two. Sounds more like an episode for Samantha than Carrie.

Finally, the quote of the day comes from Julia Roberts' former boyfriend, Benjamin Bratt. "We have decided to live our lives according to what the latest tabloid headline is. Last week we were engaged and this week we are broken up, and next week she will be abducted by aliens, and the following week we will marry, and she will give birth to an alien child," he said. The Foxlight would love to have cameras outside that nursery. Is that the mother's mouth - or the alien's?