
For years, Abdurahman Alamoudi (search) hob-knobbed with U.S. presidents and senators, portraying himself as an American Muslim who would reconcile Islam with the American way. All the while, however, he was openly supporting terrorist organizations. That's bad enough.

But when the U.S. military wanted to send Muslim clerics to minister terror suspects in Guantanamo, they turned to Mr. Alamoudi's organization for recruiting. At least one of those clerics is being held on suspicion of collaborating with the suspected terrorists.

Now the New York Sun has obtained FBI transcripts showing Alamoudi's support of specific terror acts. In one tape, Alamoudi complains about the embassy bombings in Africa only because... "Many African Muslims have died and not a single American died. I prefer to hit a Zionist target in America or Europe."

According to the Sun, Mr. Alamoudi's group was also providing material support for a suspected terror ring in Oregon known as the Portland Seven. And the coup de gras, a federal immigration agent is now investigating whether Alamoudi obtained his American citizenship fraudulently. Talk about letting the fox into the hen house!

That's the Asman Observer.