
Lenny Kravitz's (search) love of all things retro is evident in everything from his style to his sound. Now, the rocker is showcasing it in his newest venture — a design firm.

"We started about two years ago," Kravitz told The Associated Press of the Miami-based Kravitz Design (search).

"We were quiet at first, just doing some private homes, and then moved into doing a penthouse recording studio," the 41-year-old singer said of his two partners. "(Now) we're doing hotels. We've got three or four things on the table now."

Kravitz's love of architecture and interior design is an old love.

"I was always changing things and moving things around," said Kravitz. "When I started touring 16 years ago, going around the world, I got into architecture."

But it was his opulent decor of his own homes, including one in New Orleans, that started getting notice in magazines such as Vogue.

"I've now been asked by people to do their homes," he said.

And what is Kravitz's signature style?

"I love things that are rooted in classic styles," he told the AP in a recent interview. "You'll see quite a blend of furniture. You might see an art nouveau chair next to a chair from the '60s."

Still, Kravitz isn't completely stuck in the past when it comes to his designs.

"There's a lot of styles to it, because like in music, I'm well versed in style, so it could be completely modern, it could be classic in different styles," he said. "It has to be comfortable, it has to have sensuality to it."

The rocker expects to launch a line of Kravitz decor in the future. "We have a couple of items that I think are classic and will have an identity," he said. "They have a personality and they'll be unique."