
With Campaign 2004 in full swing, first lady Laura Bush (search) is ready to apply "a grain of salt" to persistent Democratic criticism of her husband.

"I know this is our last campaign, whatever happens, and I think there will be a sense of nostalgia with that," Mrs. Bush said in an interview Thursday on CBS's "The Early Show."

President Bush's wife noted that the Democratic Party is heavily involved in a delegate-selection process to choose the candidate who will oppose Bush in November. Asked if she gets upset when opponents harshly criticize her husband, Mrs. Bush replied, "Sure."

"It's just a fact of life in American politics, and I know that," she said. "But also, I think you become a little bit inured to it, but maybe you never do. You know it's just a fact of life and you can take it with a grain of salt."

Mrs. Bush, who has recently stepped up her involvement in the campaign by making a host of trips, said she expects to be even more visible as the November election approaches.
"I already have done a lot of fund-raisers for Bush-Cheney 04 and I will continue to do fund-raisers," she said, "and I'm sure that as it gets down closer to the fall campaign, I'll travel more with him."