
A high school is apologizing after an anonymous article was published in the school paper comparing rowdy black students at a fast food restaurant to "a pack of monkeys."

Carson High School officials withdrew copies of this month's newspaper, letters of apology were sent home to parents, and principal Kenneth Keener apologized over the public address system.

The article, which was titled "Looks like the circus is in town," appeared on the editorial page of the issue distributed Tuesday. It appeared under the column title "Rambling Rogue," which is written anonymously each month by one of the paper's top editors.

The piece described raucous and impolite behavior at a nearby Taco Bell: "When I go to Taco Bell, I want to go to a restaurant, NOT A ZOO! Stop acting like animals... behave and clean up after yourself." The writer said most of the crowd was black and described the students as stupid, rude, immature and insensitive.

The newspaper's student editor, Alex De Vera, and faculty adviser Gregory Vieira agreed to pull the papers. They said the article escaped their normal vetting because the page was late and only two people saw the piece in advance — its writer and the page editor.

The school is not releasing the name of the author, and Vieira refused to discuss any possible disciplinary actions.