
Kevin Costner, Aaliyah and Debra Winger in the comeback glare of The Foxlight.

I could make fun of this new movie, but allow me to let the Associated Press do it for me "Kevin Costner faces two dilemmas in Dragonfly: a wife who won't stay dead and a career that most definitely will. The latest in Costner's almost unbroken string of mediocre to bad movies is a touchy-feely supernatural tale so dramatically inert it becomes an exercise in motionless picture-making." Oooo-kay.

Next, this is the last movie Aaliyah made before her tragic death. It's The Queen of The Damned from Anne Rice's novel. Warner Bros. had the rights until the year 2000 or they reverted back to the author. So if this looks hurried up, it probably was.

Finally, Debra Winger is back. It took her husband to get back into the business. Arliss Howard is writer-actor-director of an independent called Big Bad Love that Winger helped produce. So, is it tough for a husband to direct his wife. Winger says no.

McCuddy: But at the end of the day you get to go home and say "If you use take four, I'll never speak to you again." Isn't that how it goes?

Winger: I can't remember a day even close to that.