
John Kerry (search) on Monday sought to reassure anxious Bostonians that the Democratic National Convention (search) will be good for the city amid concerns that businesses will suffer if Kerry does not accept the presidential nomination there.

"Boston will be open for business," Kerry told reporters aboard his campaign plane. "People will make a lot of money. We're going to have a full-fledged convention, and people are going to have a fantastic time."

The Massachusetts senator said no decision has been made about whether he will accept the nomination at the convention in late July or wait a few weeks to even the financial playing field with President Bush.

Both presidential candidates are expected to accept $75 million in public financing once they accept the nomination. But if Kerry is nominated at the Democratic National Convention, he'll have to stretch the money five weeks longer than Bush, who plans to accept the nomination at the Republican National Convention (search) in early September.

Boston business owners and residents reacted angrily when police announced plans to close nearly 40 miles of major roads around Boston's FleetCenter, site of the convention.

Kerry said talk of anything being reduced during the convention "is silly."

"No decision has been made, but it will be a full-fledged convention with all the excitement and everything," he said. "What's important to me is that Boston is going to be open for business, people are sitting down, we're working through these issues."