
And now the most intriguing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine...

Kerry-ing The Delegates?

John Kerry (search) may be the front-runner among Democratic voters, but in the race for delegates -- who actually determine the party's nominee -- Kerry and Howard Dean are still neck and neck.

According to an AP survey, 115 delegates nationwide have endorsed or pledged their support for Kerry, and 114 have done so for Dean. A candidate needs to gain more than 2,100 delegates by mid-summer to win the nomination.

Meanwhile, among the elite class of big-name delegates known as superdelegates, Howard Dean's once sizable lead over Kerry has shrunk, from an 80-to-50 margin last month to a 98-to-82 margin now.

Dean's Money Matters

Dean's campaign has laid off 12 employees, but -- ending a week of suspended pay for employees -- insists it will immediately start paying the employees it still has.

This after Dean's campaign blew at least 87 percent of the more than $41 million it raised before last week's primary in New Hampshire.

According to the Washington Post, the money went for TV ads in nine states and to 500 staffers mostly in Iowa and New Hampshire.


Speaking of expenditures, Reverend Al Sharpton (search) -- who reportedly spent thousands of dollars on ritzy hotels while campaigning around the country -- has paid himself more than $31,000 from the campaign and says he's owed another $105,000 in reimbursements.

Campaign-finance papers show Sharpton was paid more than $9,000 in fundraising reimbursement expenses and another $21,200 for purposes Sharpton did not specify. According to the New York Post, the campaign now has less than $8,000 in the bank ... and a $348,000 debt.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Lawyers for a California man who hacked four people to death with a hatchet and a buck knife say the lethal injection their client faces next week should not be carried out because it's -- "cruel and unusual punishment."

In a filing to the U.S. District Court for Northern California, lawyers for Kevin Cooper say lethal injections -- which usually put prisoners to sleep before stopping their hearts -- are comparable to gunfire, gas chambers and hangings. Cooper's supporters have planned rallies throughout California.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report