
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (search) and running-mate John Edwards (search) made their first appearance together Wednesday morning as the Democratic team with hopes of taking control of the White House.

"Today, we're embarking on a new journey together, not for us, but for our country," Kerry said with Edwards at his side and their families surrounding them on the farm owned by Kerry's wife.

"This is the beginning of our effort to talk to America and have a conversation," Kerry continued.

Kerry-Edwards: Dynamic duo or double trouble?

A sample of your responses:

Yes it's a great ticket and Bush-Cheney, war criminals both, are on their way out!
Matt P.
Columbus, OH

For crying out loud; What's all the fuss about Edwards being picked? He's just window dressing; We all know Kerry has had his real VP picked for months... his name is Jacques Chirac!
Woodbridge, VA

The Democrats provided us with Kerry as their nominee and Kerry provided us with Edwards as the veep. The net result is they have now two people totally UNQUALIFIED to be president of the United States. Double Trouble.
Ben M.
Somers, NY

Yes it's a great ticket and Bush-Cheney, war criminals both, are on their way out.
Matt P.
Columbus, OH

The John and John show is definitely not a dynamic duo. There is absolutely nothing dynamic about John Kerry.
Lisbeth M.
Pocatello, ID

For crying out loud: What's all the fuss about Edwards being picked? He's just window dressing. We all know Kerry has had his real VP picked for months: His name is Jacques Chirac.
Woodbridge, VA

Edwards is a bad pick for any ticket. He has turned his back on his own southern heritage. That shows that he is either untrustworthy or ignorant.
Robert S.
Kinston, NC

John Kerry and John Edwards only need to be honest to win this one, the double trouble is already in the White House.
Stephen J.
San Jose, CA

I am from North Carolina and no way will I vote for John Edwards. He did not do anything for our state while in Washington. 
Claremont, NC

John Edwards promised the people of North Carolina the sun, moon and stars if we would send him to Washington as our senator.  The moment he got there, he forgot about us and began running for president. There is nothing in his character that would indicate he has changed his spots. Don't kid yourself: He's still running for president. John Kerry better watch his back.
Winston Salem, NC

I wonder how many other Americans are like myself. I have become so bored with all the political bickering between the Bush & Kerry Camp. I could care less who Kerry picks as a running mate. And unfortunately I am at the point that I could care less who wins the election.
Ed H.
Lynchburg VA

It is hard to understand how many Americans get so excited about a 50 year old man because he is cute and wears Just for Men hair color so well.
John C.

Edwards will strengthen the Democratic ticket in looks and charm but not in experience.  If the Democrats win with this ticket, it will be from support of voters who purely want a change for the reason of change and not because they believe that the Kerry/Edwards ticket can make a positive difference.
Debra M.
Charlotte, NC

The idea that women will flock to vote for them because John Edwards is good looking is an insult to the intelligence of women voters. It shows the low opinion the Democrats have of women and their ability to make informed choices.
Bob J.
Randallstown, MD

Double Trouble! I do not like Kerry's references to two Americas. We should be one strong united America to fight terrorism. God help us if they get elected. Edwards is too young and inexperienced to every possibly take over the presidency. It is scary enough to think of Kerry in that position.
Deb Z.
Naples, FL

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