
Soppy or not, I'm on a campaign this holiday season not to get rushed or overwhelmed.

It's very easy to do: presents to buy, people to meet, parties to get to. Then the season's gone ... poof, just like that.

To that end, some ideas for keeping in mind the true meaning of Christmas. I'm trying to stick to 'em, maybe they'll work for you too.

First: smile

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, when you smile, you get other people to smile, too. And even the ones who don't smile back, look foolish for not trying.

Second: laugh

Some will think you crazy. But most will want to share in the joke.

Third: think

Not about gifts, but giving. What special something can you do for that special someone in your life?

Fourth: be nice

You know, my buddy Sean Hannity (search) offers some great advice on the power of couples simply being decent with each other. Don't be a pushover, but for the ones you love, do this over and over — respect them, spoil them, compliment them. You'll be surprised how far just being nice goes.

Fifth: be real

False pretenses and emotional games only show you're uncomfortable in your own skin. Take it from a guy encased in a lot of skin. Be who you are. Some may not like who you are. Just tell them to play games with another person.

So there you have it. I can't help you out at all those parties, or with all that shopping, but I hope I can help you out on the things that don't cost a cent. So, take it from the money guy here, the best things here have nothing to do with things at all and everything to do with things like a smile, a laugh, a kind word and a good gesture.

You know, the rest are just boxes and ribbons.

Watch Neil Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on "Your World with Cavuto" and send your comments to cavuto@foxnews.com