
Jon Stewart, Sylvester Stallone, Gwyneth Paltrow and Bjork are in The Foxlight.

Jon Stewart says he's shocked the Daily Show is nominated for an Emmy. He says that, if he loses, he'll stand up and scream "This is an outrage." He says it isn't an honor to be nominated, but you do get a free flight - and he's pretty sure that, as an Emmy nominee, he gets to sit in the pilot's lap. And what would Stewart ask Gary Condit if the Daily Show got to interview the congressman instead of Connie Chung? "Does your hair know what decade it's in?"

Sylvester Stallone apparently thinks Driven would make a good TV show. He's pitching the pits and pathos of auto racing to NBC as a series he would write and produce - and maybe even star in. Don't they usually prefer basing shows on a movie that was a hit?

Maybe that fat suit Gwyneth Paltrow wore for her new movie didn't need so much padding. According to the New York Post, the usually rail-thin superstar has packed it on lately - despite being on Madonna's macrobiotic diet. Maybe if there's a sequel to Duets, she can be a one woman show.

Finally, the Bjork tour sold out its American shows in ten minutes. Has she learned to sing -and will the swan be accompanying her?