
Are you a normal person with acne or a weight problem who is interested in letting the likes of Jennifer Aniston demean you?

Well, today is your lucky day.

A casting company has posted an ad on Craigslist seeking extras for Aniston’s new film with Jason Bateman, "The Baster."

But just make sure you are okay with being emotionally abused, as the ad calls for people who are comfortable having profanities shouted at them.

PHOTOS: Click here to see photos of Jennifer Aniston.

The agency seeks a “heavy set woman who is able to ride a bike and comfortable in provocative wardrobe who is comfortable having profanities thrown at her,” in addition to a woman “with a round face, small eyes and upturned nose who is comfortable having profanities shouted at her in a comedic scene,” and a “rail thin teen boy with bad skin, bad acne.”

Those who are sensitive, or live outside the New York area, need not respond.

"The Baster" is about an unmarried 40-year-old woman who uses a turkey baster to become pregnant. It is set for release in 2010.

RELATED: Click here to see the ad on Craigslist.