Jan. 1: Disaster Relief

We come to you LIVE from the heartland Saturdays at 8 p.m. ET!

Former Ohio congressman and host John Kasich covers the stories that touch our entire nation.

Saturday, Jan. 1:

With the massive relief efforts to help countries devastated by the tsunami tragedy, hundreds of millions of dollars have poured into the devastated region from all over the world. And the U.S. wants to continue being generous after giving over 2 billion in disaster relief (search) worldwide in 2004, but does the U.S. do enough? We’ll ask Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review and Ian Williams, U.N. correspondent for The Nation magazine.

Plus, plans for the elections in Iraq are going ahead despite insurgents who have continued to target U.S. troops and Iraqi citizens. And Usama bin Laden (search) released a tape attempting to persuade Iraqis to stay away from the polls, but how will Iraqis respond on the Jan. 30 elections? We’ll have opinions from David DeBatto, a former Army counter intelligence officer and author of the new book, CI: Team Red and FOX News military analyst Robert Scales.

And as President Bush prepares for his second term, what will the big issues be and how will they affect you? We’ll ask USA Today columnist Walter Shapiro.

Also, how is DNA testing (search) helping those on death row? We’ll talk to attorney Barry Sheck, founder of the Innocence Project that uses the science of DNA to save the lives of people unfairly convicted of crimes.

These stories and more on this Saturday's "Heartland."

Be sure to watch "Heartland" this Saturday evening at 8 p.m. ET and on Sunday at 4 a.m. ET.

All topics and guests subject to change.