
I know what I'm about to say will ruffle feathers in my business — maybe even my company — but why this obsession with younger viewers? Why this nationwide fixation with young people, period?

Look, I have nothing against young people — my kids are young. But I remember being much younger myself. I looked better, but my wallet didn't. I couldn't afford much, so I didn't buy much.

Yet, Madison Avenue sees the young as the Holy Grail and forces all media to worship that grail.

All, that is, but apparently one big company: Haggar Clothing.

The casual men's clothing maker is doing something that has almost everyone paying attention — it's going middle-aged. In ads set to unveil soon, out go the young hunks, in come the not so young, chunky hunks.

Guys like me.

The Wall Street Journal reporting it's all part of Haggar's bold ad blitz to go after middle-aged men who, "don't read GQ and know nothing about the latest trends from Seventh Avenue."

Everyone's amazed. I don't know why. I mean, it's not as if middle-aged folks don't buy stuff. They're probably the biggest demographic that "can" buy stuff.

So stuff this notion if you're not young and sexy, you're not still sexy. Because I'll tell you what: Your money sure is.

Just ask Haggar.

Click here to order your signed copy of Neil's book, "Your Money or Your Life."

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