
A 21-year-old man dressed as Superman was arrested Sunday in Ann Arbor, Mich., for allegedly attacking a carful of other young men, reports WDIV-TV of Detroit.

The victims had just stopped their car outside a house party to talk to some friends on the street when the savage Superman jumped out of the bushes.

"I guess this young man jumped in the back seat of the victim's vehicle and just started hitting him," said Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Angella Abrams. "When the victim attempted to call using his cell phone, [Superman] grabbed the cell phone and he stomped on it."

The men all got out of the car, and as the victims confronted the caped crusader, a large group of the would-be Clark Kent's friends came out of the house.

A street brawl broke out, according to the Ann Arbor News. Superman's friends didn't appear to have any super powers, or perhaps the car's occupants were armed with Kryptonite (search), because cops had to come break it up.

Two of the men showed police digital pictures they'd taken of Superman, and cops easily picked him out of the crowd.

"He was in costume, and it was a pretty terrible Superman costume at that," said one witness.

Superman's motive was not known. His name was being withheld pending assault charges.

— Thanks to Out There reader Gabriel S.

Knife Fight Erupts Over Burger King Bathroom

STRATFORD, Conn. (AP) — Police have charged two men in a confrontation that could be described as potty rage. The situation developed Friday night when a 52-year-old Stratford man took too much time in a bathroom at Burger King (search), police said.

Andres A. Diaz, who was in the john, and Joseph Manuel Augusto, 37, who was waiting to use it, got into an argument when Diaz emerged, police said.

Heated words escalated into a physical fight.

The two men allegedly bumped chests, then chased each other around the restaurant with their weapons. Augusto had a small razor pocket knife and Diaz brandished a Burger King straw dispenser, police said.

No one was injured.

Both men were arrested and charged with breach of peace and issued a summons to appear in court on July 27.

Poles Invade Germany, Eager to Spill Blood

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — False reports that German clinics pay more than $400 for a pint of blood has set off a run across the border by Polish nationals.

When they get there, they're finding that they're out of luck. A Red Cross (search) official in Germany says donors must live in Germany — and the German Red Cross does not pay for blood.

Poland's jobless rate is nearly 20 percent. The average monthly salary is about $650, leaving many Poles in financial need.

Since Poland joined the European Union two months ago, it has become easier for Poles to cross into Germany, and many have been making the trip.

You Should See What He Does With the Hedge Trimmers

HAMPTON, Va. (AP) — A Hampton man is charged with indecent exposure after a neighbor went to police, saying he was tired of seeing him doing outside chores in the nude.

Hampton police say 39-year-old Thaddeus Sadowski was charged on Sunday, and police say they will use a videotape shot by a neighbor to help prove their case.

The neighbor, Matt Lawrence, told the Daily Press of Newport News that he took the videotape because he thought no one would believe him.

He says that many mornings, Sadowski took out the trash or scooped up his newspaper while naked.

Lawrence says another neighbor talked to Sadowski's wife. He says he never meant to get Sadowski in trouble, but just wanted him to stop.

Cpl. Jimmie Wideman, police spokesman, says he cannot recall a similar case.

Teen's Birthday Party Gets Out of Control

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A group of softball players and people attending a 13-year-old's birthday party at a recreation center got into a fight after several balls sailed over a fence and landed near the facility's swimming pool.

At one point, more than 30 people were involved in the fracas that erupted Sunday at the Kanawha City Community Center (search), said Charleston Police Sgt. H.P. Hickman.

An unidentified pregnant woman was knocked down during the fight but did not appear to be seriously injured, Hickman said.

Members of two softball teams were playing a game near the recreation center when several balls were hit over the fence and landed in the pool area. The fight erupted after one of the players walked into the pool area to retrieve the balls.

John Ciampanella said several softballs almost hit children who were swimming in the pool. The party was being held for his grandson Caleb.

"They kept hitting them over. Finally, one of the boys came over, and we asked them to leave," Ciampanella said.

Jodi Scott said the partygoers threw the first ball that came over the fence back and asked the players to be careful. She claims the players then intentionally hit several other balls over the fence.

"One of the balls went by my face so fast that I felt air," she said.

Nadia Myers disputed those claims, saying a player was attacked when he went to apologize to the partygoers.

"A woman was cussing them, but it's out of their control. A couple guys hit home runs. They're playing a softball game," she said.

No arrest were made and no other injuries were reported, Hickman said.

Admirable Case of Single-Mindedness

BEAVER FALLS, Pa. — A woman robbed a store within minutes of being released from police custody for an earlier robbery the same day, police said.

The suspect, Sharon Armstrong, 40, of Beaver Falls, was released Saturday after allegedly robbing a doughnut shop when a district justice advised police to release her and mail the charges, according to police in Beaver Falls.

Nine minutes later, Armstrong went to a hot dog shop and demanded money, claiming she had a gun, according to Capt. Jay Alstadt.

Police caught Armstrong at the shop and the district justice, Martin V. Schulte, told police to arraign her. Armstrong was held at the Beaver County Jail on charges of robbery and attempted robbery after she failed to post $50,000 bond.

Schulte did not return calls for comment.

Swedes Get Liquored Up on Hand Soap

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — Some people at a three-day music festival in southern Sweden got more than just clean hands from the liquid soap in the portable toilets. They got a nice clean buzz, too.

Since the detergent had 62 percent alcohol in it, some users were more keen on spiking their sodas than washing their hands.

A 14-year-old girl was briefly hospitalized with a minor stomachache after she put too much soap into a carbonated beverage during the Baltic Sea Music Festival (search) in Karlshamn, a town that once was the center for Sweden's liquor production.

Most of the soap, locked in dispensers, disappeared over night, said Anders Persson, whose company Bajamaja was hired to provide 65 portable latrines.

"I suspected something was wrong because the soap went like hot cakes," he said Wednesday.

Many of the soap dispensers were smashed by the time the festival ended on Sunday, Persson said.

Access to alcohol is tightly regulated in the Scandinavian country of 9 million, with the state monopoly selling spirits through a national chain of retail outlets. Swedish law prohibits the sale of any alcoholic products to anyone younger than 18.

Some 200 years ago, Karlshamn (search) was a hub for the production of "snaps," a Scandinavian variety of hard liquor, which was made at the town distillery and then shipped throughout Sweden.

Since then, the distillery has become a museum and the only liquid made in the town is vegetable oil.

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Paul Wagenseil.

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