Here's the One Thing:
The Ninth Principle to show that You Are Not Alone is: The government works for me. Not the other way around.
Let me show you how understanding that principle changes everything.
First, check out this picture with Harry Reid and a couple Republicans after they worked out a compromise spending bill. Doesn't that look just like a giant roulette wheel behind his head? If the government were a regular worker, they probably would have rethought the polar habitat. Instead they are betting on Black 22 and screaming, "Let it ride!"
They are gambling with your future and your children's future.
And how are they going to pay for it? It's not exactly a state secret: They're going to print money, issue debt and raise your taxes.
Back to the principle. If anyone in the government actually held a real job, they would know not to ask for a raise right now.
You know not to go to your boss when times are tough and ask for more money; you go when times are good. You don't say, "Hey, I noticed that you've been laying off a lot of people lately. Does that mean more money for me?"
Instead, you have President Obama and Chris Dodd in your office demanding more money to pay for illegal immigrants, to add back in the welfare that President Clinton rolled back in the mid-'90s, planting the seeds for universal health care and a tax break of $13 dollars a week -- or about $600 in a year.
A very smart woman said something that perfectly sums that up: "You're getting $600. What can you do with that?... You go out and you buy a pair of earrings."
Although, she may regret having said that. Because that was Michelle Obama, talking about the Bush tax cuts last summer.
Back to the Nine Principles: You are the boss. The government is not just asking for a raise, but demanding one -- when the economy is going down the crapper.
If Chris Dodd comes into my office and says he has ideas that will help the company make money, I'll listen. And if he demands a raise, I'll gently explain to him the financial mess we're in.
But if he comes in and suggests things that will actually hurt the company, while also demanding more money, I don't know about you, but I would say "Get the hell out of my office! No actually, don't just get out. You're fired!"
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