
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

FOX Like Hitler?

CNN founder Ted Turner is comparing FOX News Channel to Adolph Hitler (search), insisting that while FOX News may be popular, Adolph Hitler was also popular when he came to power — was elected to power just before World War II (search).

Speaking to the National Association of Television Program Executives (search) earlier today, Turner also accused FOX News of being the Bush administration’s propaganda tool. Insisting, "it’s certainly legal. But it does pose problems for our democracy. Particularly when the news is dumbed down."

A FOX News spokesperson says, "Ted Turner is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind. We wish him well."

AIDS Cure Withheld

A new survey shows that a majority of African-Americans believe a cure for AIDS (search) has been found but deliberately withheld from the poor. The survey, conducted by Oregon State University (search) and the Rand Corporation (search), also found that nearly half of the African-Americans believe the AIDS virus is man made.

In addition, 27 percent say AIDS was produced in a government lab. Sixteen percent say AIDS was created by the government to control the black population. Fifteen percent say AIDS is a form of genocide against blacks. And 12 percent say it was created and spread by the CIA.

Boycotting Bookmaker

More than 100 professors at universities and colleges across the country are boycotting McGraw-Hill (search) textbooks for "demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice the well being of youth for profit and further ingraining oppressive beliefs." They have signed an on-line petition letter demanding McGraw-Hill put an end to it.

So what exactly are they so upset about? The people who write McGraw Hill’s health textbooks have defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. McGraw-Hill however, says it’s just following a law in Texas, whose board of education last year asked McGraw-Hill to clarify the "ambiguity of marriage."

Rolling Stone's Reversal

Days after backing out of an agreement to run an ad for a new Bible (search) aimed at young people, saying it doesn’t publish, "religious messages," Rolling Stone magazine now says it will run the ad after all. In a statement released yesterday, Rolling Stone says the previous announcement was, "A misstatement of company policy." Adding, "we apologize for any confusion it may have caused."

The ad will now run in its original form next month. One of the publishers of the New International Version of the Bible says it’s, "thrilled."

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report