
And now the most fascinating two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Support Slightly Up

A new poll shows support for the war in Iraq has slightly risen in the past two weeks, with 56 percent of Americans now saying the situation there was worth going to war over. Fifty-four percent of Americans said that at the beginning of the month.

Similarly, the Gallup poll shows a majority of Americans say the decision to go to war was the right thing to do, compared with 31 percent who disagree. Seventeen percent say it's too soon to tell.

What's more, 48 percent of Americans now say the war in Iraq has made the U.S. safer from terrorism, up from 45 percent last month.

All this as polls show the President's current approval rating -- 50 percent -- is tied for the lowest of his presidency.

Rally Report

American and British Journalists in London have infiltrated the groups preparing to protest against the President there.

They report that the London Action Resource Center (search) -- describing itself as non-violent -- has taught demonstrators how to charge police lines and has discussed whether or not the hurling of petrol bombs constitutes an act of violence.

Another group, called Bare Your Bum at Bush, is calling for a -- "mass moon." A group handout, quoted in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, says "Done as a lone act of defiance, [mooning] can bring a great deal of satisfaction. When done with a group of friends, it enhances the power of your statement and creates a bond you will share forever."

Short-Term Memo-ry?

Over the weekend, the Weekly Standard published a "top secret U.S. government" memo detailing more than a decade of intelligence indicating an operating relationship between Al Qaeda (search) and Iraq. The Pentagon has since confirmed the memo's authenticity, but it has been almost entirely overlooked by major media.

USA Today has completely ignored it. The New York Times has yet to mention it on its news pages, though a column today mentions it. And The Washington Post got around to mentioning it on Sunday, dismissingly in the sixth paragraph of a much broader story.

Campus Concerns

An Hispanic student at Northwestern University (search) -- who two weeks ago told police he found racial slurs painted in his dorm room and was later called racial slurs when grabbed at knifepoint outside his building -- now says he made it all up.

Freshman Jaime Saide (search) says he was just trying to bring attention to race relations on campus.

According to the school newspaper, he has since been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report