
I hope you watched "The O'Reilly Factor" Wednesday night. Bill had an interview with Brian Ross, ABC News investigative reporter and once upon a time the same thing for NBC News.

Ross' independent investigation has established a certain set of facts which every American should be aware of, and O'Reilly did a great job of drawing it out and getting it all on the record so there can be no further argument.

Here it is: The special interrogation techniques that were used on the 9/11 plotters we had in secret CIA prisons — the techniques erroneously called torture by Human Rights Watch and others — those techniques work.

They worked on all 14 of these 9/11 detainees and each of those detainees gave up valuable information as a result of those techniques.

They were the items I described earlier in the week, including induced hypothermia, belly slaps, and sound assaults. And here's the big one: waterboarding.

People call it torture. As Ross described it, waterboarding sounds unpleasant, and since no one could stand it for longer than a couple minutes, I might say very unpleasant. But I hardly think it is torture.

However, here's the important point: It worked. It worked so well American interrogators were given information on a hijacking plot that was supposed to crash an airliner into the Library Tower in downtown Los Angeles. Unless that crash occurred on Sunday morning at 6:00, it would have killed thousands.

These are results certified independently by Brian Ross of ABC News. Multiple sources, some of whom opposed the techniques, confirmed the results.

Yes, we're Americans and we don't torture. These special interrogation techniques are not torture and they work.

Let's hope the deal between the president and Sen. McCain today allows American interrogators to continue to use techniques which have proven to work.

Especially since they are not torture. Not, not, not torture.

That's My Word.

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