
International Playgirl: Lydia Hearst Opens Up About Wild Threesome | 'Idol' : Adam Lambert Says It’s Hard To Be Yourself In Front Of America, Kris Allen Dismisses Rumors He May Win Because Of Christian Background | Sorry Twitter, Patrick Swayze Is Still 'Alive & Well' | David Hasselhoff’s Daughter: Sixteen Going On?

International Playgirl: Lydia Hearst Opens Up About Wild Threesome

Lydia Hearst -- daughter of the controversial heiress-turned-Symbionese-Liberation-Army-member Patty Hearst -- is the staple of the New York party scene. However, the publishing heiress/socialite has let her hair down and given a new definition to the term "wild night" in the new indie flick The Last International Playboy. Hearst strips down in the opening scene when she gets it on with a guy (and a girl, Australian supermodel Nicole Trunfio) in the laundry room during a model-saturated soiree in a NYC apartment, complete with gorgeous girls in the bathtub, bed jumping and female fondling.

"It is definitely out there, but we were all acting. It was nice because we were all good friends and we pretty much went crazy, played with the water guns and then dried ourselves," the 25-year-old laughed.

PHOTOS: Hot pics of actress/model/heiress Lydia Hearst.

While the super sexy scene is set to bring to life the fantasy of millions of men, Hearst said it is just that: a fantasy.

"The parties are not really like that in real life. You just have a good time, its acting. Even the intimate bits, it’s not really going on," she explained. "While it is all happening we were taking direction from people, stopping and starting."

But going from heiress to topless is nothing new for Hearst (who graces the current cover of Italian GQ in only high-waisted red bottoms) and even though the ravishing redhead's career as a fashion model seems to be going strong, she has aspirations to be considered an established actress, too.

"Acting is definitely something I am very interested in pursuing," Hearst added. "If there is anyone’s footsteps I could follow in it would definitely Milla Jovovich where she is still a high-powered fashion model and an extremely respected actress and of course a full-time mother and has a fashion line."

Speaking of motherhood, Hearst hopes to "settle down with a family" within the next 10 years -- and the experience of making The Last International Playboy (which is out on DVD June 12) has actually helped her embrace adulthood.

"It’s a film about growing up and realizing that you can’t always be a child forever," she added. "At some point you have to transform."

Sorry Twitter, Patrick Swayze Is Still 'Alive & Well'

Blogs were abuzz on Tuesday morning with rumors that Patrick Swayze had passed away following an inaccurate report from a Florida radio station which was then repeated on a German television station and went viral thanks to the social networking site Twitter - forcing Swayze’s rep to squash the scuttlebutts.

"This is to confirm that Patrick Swayze did not pass away this morning contrary to severely reckless reports stemming from a radio station in Jacksonville, Florida," Hollywood publicist Annette Wolf said in a statement. "Patrick Swayze is alive, well and is enjoying his life and he continues to respond to treatment."

The 56-year-old was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January of last year and has since undergone chemotherapy and other treatments at the Stanford University Medical Center.

David Hasselhoff’s Daughter: Sixteen Going On?

David Hasselhoff brought wife Pamela and youngest daughter Hayley to Beverly Hills restaurant Crustacean for "The BASH" event to raise money for teens at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Sunday evening, but we couldn’t help but wonder how old Hayley Amber Hasselhoff really is …

The uber-blonde high school student is only sixteen but with all the makeup and that curve-hugging black dress it seems she could seriously be clubbing uncarded - one to watch! And while mom and daughter loved the media circus encircling them, the Hoff (who recently hit headlines again after reportedly being hospitalized due to an alcohol binge) snuck through the back door and kept his mouth closed and avoided the adult beverages.

"Everything is really good and my girls are great and that is the most important thing, making sure they’re happy, healthy and their lives are not all this other stuff," Pamela Bach told Tarts. "David is a good role model, I’m sure he is. My family is the best thing in the world."