
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," January 11, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: A political smackdown is happening right now in the state of Massachusetts. We are only seven days from an extremely important Senate election, and minutes ago the candidates finished their last debate.

Late Senator Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat is open and the special election is next Tuesday. And tonight it appears to be anyone's race. "A Boston Globe" poll has Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley 15 points up from State Senator Scott Brown.

However, in another poll, Public Police polling has Brown one point ahead of Coakley. Bottom line, no one can predict this one. But if Republican State Senator Brown wins Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid loses his filibuster-proof Senate.

We asked Attorney General Senator Coakley to go "On the Record," hopefully she will sometime this week, but joining us live is Republican candidate state senator Scott Brown. Good evening, Senator, and, boy, this is an exciting race, not just for your state, but you're going to determine what happens in the United States Senate, whether it is filibuster-proof or not.

SCOTT BROWN, REPUBLICAN MASSACHUSETTS SENATE CANDIDATE: That is true. This race affects everybody in the country not only obviously here in Massachusetts, but everybody. As the 41 senator I can stop what's happening in Washington. All the backroom deals you are talking about are outrageous. People here are upset by it and people throughout the country.

And we can go back to the drawing board and do it better. We are better than that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Interesting to look at the numbers. I realize the polls I just read are very uncertain, because there are a lot of questions with those polls and they are so different, and they make me suspicious.

But according to the information we have about the state of Massachusetts, -- 37 percent of the population voting is Democrat, 11.4 is Republican, but the independents, 51.09 percent. So that's -- I assume those people you are going at heavy and hard.

BROWN: Of course. Listen, I've been in politics for 18 years. I have 30 years in the military. I've been serving as a state senator. I've taken over 6,000 votes. And Martha is a good person, but she's wrong on all the issues.

And the people of Massachusetts are upset at the taxing, the spending, the backroom deals. Martha Coakley's position on terror is outrageous. She said tonight there are no terrorists in Afghanistan. That's the type of person who has a policy that is very scary, especially when we are trying to the tools and resources for our soldiers to keep them safe.

And if people want to learn more, they can certainly go to BrownforU.S.Senate.com. But we have a money bomb right now that's hitting, and you can go to redinvadesblue.com and you can help me fight back again the machine, because the second I walked off the stage the negative ads have started.

And you all around the country can make a big, big difference in this race.

VAN SUSTEREN: Governor Pawlenty, the Republican of Minnesota, is helping you out. Friday President Clinton is going to Massachusetts to campaign for Martha Coakley. So the national candidates from other states are coming in. They realize this one is a big one, don't they?

BROWN: They do. But I told everyone to stay away and let Martha and I talk about the differences that affect the people not only of Massachusetts but the country.

She is proposing $2.1 trillion of extra taxation over the next five years. She is wrong on terror. She wants to give them taxpayer-funded attorneys, constitutional rights, and treat them like ordinary bank robbers when in fact they should be treated as enemy combatants and interrogated to find out if anyone else is trying to kill us.

It's certainly disturbing, and that's another difference.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, what do you two agree on, because I know there's some area of agreement? What do you and Martha Coakley agree on, and what is the biggest difference between the two of you?

BROWN: The biggest difference is her position on taxing and spending, and the fact that she is pushing a health care bill that is bad for Massachusetts because we already have 98 percent of our people insured. We have already done what the federal government is trying to do.

And why would we in fact have a one size fits all national plan that is going to put Massachusetts businesses out of business and give us longer lines, a half a trillion in Medicare cuts, Tri-Care for veterans is going to be affected. And then just the fact that a lot of then panels that are starting and having mammograms go from 40 to 50 and pap smear testing.

There are a whole lot of things that are just bad. We really need to start again.

VAN SUSTEREN: Where do you agree?

BROWN: We agree that I think there are problems. We are both good people, but she is wrong on the issues, and we need to do better. We need to send somebody down there. As the 41st senator I will bring good government and discussion back, bring some civility back.

I can go as a Scott Brown Republican and just solve problems, the name calling, the same business as usual -- is old, folks. We need to solve problems, because Al Qaeda is trying to kill our kids and our families, and we are having some very serious economic problems that we need if get a hold of right now.

Our position as a super power both economically and militarily are going to be dramatically affected.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you ever meet Senator Ted Kennedy?

BROWN: Of course.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did you think of him?

BROWN: I enjoyed his love for Massachusetts. He had a great sense of humor. My daughter was on "American Idol," and he often talked about who had the better voice, and clearly it was me, I would tell him.

And his constituent services are second to none. We still send things down to his office even though he's passed away because they're so good. And that is how we try to emulate our constituent services. It's one of the things I'm going to take and make as a number one priority.

VAN SUSTEREN: If you win the election, will you be sworn in right away? I know Senator Kirk, who is holding that seat right now, says he's going to vote for health care. Can they do anything to stop you from being sworn in?

BROWN: Of course. There's a political machine in Massachusetts, there's a political machine in Washington that does not want me to go to Washington and vote on this very important piece of legislation. And they are going to do anything and everything they can.

And that's why you can go to redinvadesblue.com and help me fight back, get the resources to do that. The average donation is $75, and just help.

But when I heard Senator Kirk said he was going to be there and make sure he is going to vote on this -- he's an interim senator. If I'm duly elected I should be seated like Congresswoman Tsongas was seated. She was elected on a Tuesday, certified on a Wednesday, and she was seated on a Thursday.

And they are going to do everything and anything they can to make sure I don't get down there to send this monstrosity back to the drawing board.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, a really important question -- next Tuesday between 10:00 and 11:00: eastern, will you do our show?

BROWN: I'll do anything and everything to get the word out to tell people across the country that there are some very serious problems. I'd love to. I enjoy watching you.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's election night, so we'll see you next today, win or lose. Thank you, sir.

BROWN: All right, Greta, great. Thank you, everybody.

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