
I just want to say that I, for one, am proud to be an American. I wanted to get that off my chest, because I sure haven't heard radical jingoism like that lately. Last I checked, America is the beacon of hope in the world. People aren't risking life and limb to swim through shark-infested waters or barren deserts to start a new life in France. They come here — to the land of opportunity, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I don't hear much talk about the great promise of America. What I do hear a lot about how the police are acting stupidly in Massachusetts and they're about to be racist in Arizona. I hear about the mistakes America has made and I'm constantly reminded about her shortcomings. I hear about the greed and how violent the people that wave teabags are. I hear how stupid we are. How our system has failed. How we need to be fundamentally transformed.

Do you believe that? I sure don't. But our president and those around him do.

On Monday night, I showed you the Weatherman manifesto from 1969 and how they and other likeminded revolutionaries are now in very powerful positions. They hate America — hate it. But they've been washed clean. Regulatory "czar" Cass Sunstein brushed off criticism: "I feel very uncomfortable with their past, but neither of them is thought of as horrible types now. So far as most of us know, they are legitimate members of the community."

That's great that you aren't worried, Cass. They're not "thought of" as radicals now. But here's the worrisome part: The Weatherman manifesto notes that revolution must be clandestine. Kind of like Nancy Pelosi saying we'll have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. Read the bill? Why read the bill?

Let me ask you: If you smell smoke, don't you investigate to see if there's a fire? Do you know anyone that was a member of the Weathermen? I don't and I bet you don't either. But the president does; he's surrounded by them.

Now, I have to warn you: Incredibly annoying radical/hippie speak ahead. If you miss anything go to GlennBeck.com and read the manifesto.

OK, let's get into it.

The authors recognized the typical historical progression of revolution that usually takes two steps. The first step was to set up, in their words, a "dictatorship" of a "new democracy" — a key word — a compromise between the poor and working classes. Then, out of the "new democracy" develops socialism.

The steps: one, a united front against imperialism and for new democracy, and two, developing out of the new democratic stage, socialism.

But, the Weather Underground wanted a quick one-step move for revolution; a plan that proved too radical to be successful. The two-step approach, a more acceptable form of slow and soft revolution, is still in use.

The man that the administration initially put in charge of their economic revolution towards a green economy, Van Jones, described the two steps using more friendly terms-minimum goals and maximum goals:


VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS "CZAR": I think that this green movement has to pursue those same steps and stages. Right now, we're saying we want to move from suicidal gray capitalism to some kind of eco-capitalism where at least we're not fast-tracking the destruction of the whole planet. Will it be enough? No, it won't be enough. We want to go beyond the system of exploitation and oppression altogether, but that's a process.



JONES: We're going to change the whole system. We're going to change the whole thing. We're not going to put a battery in a broken system.


But what is that "next stage" after the fusion of the poor and working classes under the green banner that Jones has worked on? The Weather Underground was very specific: "When imperialism is defeated in the U.S., it will be replaced by socialism — nothing else."

The move towards socialism is not a secret. Let's not forget that Newsweek has declared "We're All Socialists Now." And the people have noticed as well: 55 percent of Americans today think Obama is socialist — and that comes from the hard right-wing source of James Carville's polling company.

Of course, the Weather Underground knew how difficult of a sell socialism would be to the American people. We're the most prosperous nation on Earth. Why change now? How do you successfully convince America that they need a revolution?

Their solution: "First by creating a pervasive politicization and second by relating everything to the most militant and advanced struggles going on so that they influence and set the pace for a lot more people."

Make everything political and create or relate it to a crisis. And, of course, this is a standard tactic of politicians today. Beat up America. Say it's worse than it really is. Equate the capitalist system and our challenges to the worst the world has to offer.

Have we seen that today?


SEN. RICHARD DURBIN, D – ILL.: This must have happened by Nazis, soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no consideration for human beings.

NEW YORK CITY MAYOR BLOOMBERG: Terrorists kill people. Weapons of mass destruction have the potential to kill an enormous numbers of people, Global warming in the long term has the potential to kill everybody.

ANDY STERN, FORMER SEIU PRESIDENT: America is not clearly going to be the dominant economic superpower in the long run.


The radicals of the Weather Underground knew that they still had an uphill battle. Luckily, they also felt that they were smarter than everyone else and they could understand the masses and their petty motivations: "Much of this category gets some relative privileges — i.e. benefits — from imperialism, which constitute some material basis for being racist or pro-imperialist."

So people are their stupid or bigots. They're talking about you. You're just not enlightened. You can't see the correct path — so they try to avoid change and then you become racist and ignorant. Or, to put it another way:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: You go to a lot of small towns in Pennsylvania, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced it. And they've gone through the Clinton administration and Bush administration and each successful administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate and they have not. It's not surprising then they get bitter and they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people that aren't like them or anti-immigrant stuff or you know anti-trade sentiments.


What the ignorant masses don't understand is while they're clinging to their silly traditions, the truth is that their wealth isn't really their wealth. In a truly progressive society their wealth belongs to the world.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel