
The inmate who attempted to sue disgraced NFL quarteback Michael Vick has now set his sights on video game companies, according to CVG.com

Jonathan Lee Riches, 31, filed a request for a temporary restraining order against the makers of Grand Theft Auto IV, claiming they contributed to his arrest and conviction on wire fraud charges, reported CVG.com.

The claims against publisher Take-Two and developer Rockstar Games say their games show 'sex, drugs and violence' that he alleges contributed to his committing identity theft, CVG.com reported

He calls for the companies to cease distrbution of the "newest Grand Theft Auto games"

Riches, who resides at the Federal Corrections Institute in Williamsburg County, S.C., filed a handwritten complaint against the parties.

Riches tried to sue suspended NFL quarterback Michael Vick last year for "$63,000,000,000 billion dollars" in a handwritten complaint alleging Vick had ties to Al Qaeda

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