
A grandfather died after a blister caused by tight new shoes led to blood poisoning and massive organ failure, according to a story in the Daily Mail.

Peter Catterall, 60, was given dressings by a district nurse and told the sore on his toe should heal by itself, the report said.

But just over a week later, the retired electrician suffered two heart attacks.

Click here to read Daily Mail story.

He was taken to hospital and diagnosed with blood poisoning, or septicaemia, and died within a month.

His grieving family said they believed that the father of three would still be alive if the severity of his condition had been spotted sooner by clinic after he sought treatment for a blister caused by a new pair of shoes.

According to his youngest daughter, Sara, 21, the sore continued to weep, and when she went to see him a week later on July 1 he confessed: "This toe is killing me."

"There was a hole in his foot. I told him he had to go to the doctor but he said: 'They have discharged me.'"