
The case of a dad who beat another dad to death after an argument over their sons' hockey practice entered jury selection Wednesday.

Thomas Junta, 42, was charged with manslaughter in Michael Costin's death at the Burbank Ice Arena in Reading, north of Boston, on July 5, 2000.

Prosecutors asked Superior Court Judge Charles Grabau for permission to show Costin's autopsy photos to the jury, hoping to demonstrate that Costin's injuries were "inconsistent with minimum force."

Defense lawyer Thomas Orlandi Jr. fought the move, describing the photos as "sickening," "gross" and "horrible."

"It would cause extreme prejudice to this jury," he said.

Grabau said he would allow the jury to see photos taken just before Costin's autopsy, but put off a decision on whether to allow photographs of Costin's internal injuries.

Costin, 40, was supervising the hockey practice while Junta watched from the stands. Prosecutors say Junta became enraged when he saw body-checking in what was supposed to be a non-contact scrimmage. The two men argued on the ice, then brawled in a hallway.

Junta left, but returned a few minutes later, and a second fight broke out. Prosecutors allege that Junta pinned Costin down and banged his head against the floor until he lost consciousness. Costin died two days later.

The scuffle was witnessed by several of the young hockey players, including children of the two men. At least one son of each of the men was expected to testify.

The death drew national attention to the growing number of cases of parental rage at youth sporting events.

Junta, who claims Costin was the aggressor in the fight, will testify in his own defense, according to his lawyer, John O'Connor.

The defense had wanted to introduce Costin's psychological history, including records that showed he was taking antidepressants. But Middlesex Superior Court Judge Charles Grabau rejected that request, and the state's Supreme Judicial Court backed Grabau's ruling.

Grabau also prohibited Junta's attorneys from introducing evidence about prescription drugs found in Costin's pockets and other medications that were prescribed for him.

Prosecutors are expected to call attention to Junta's size: 6-foot-1-inch and about 275 pounds, compared with Costin, who was 6 feet and weighed 150 pounds.

Violence among parents and coaches has worsened over the last decade, according to the National Alliance For Youth Sports, a nonprofit organization in West Palm Beach, Fla.

"You have to have the maturity to deal with the emotions of having your child involved in sports, but unfortunately we have some parents on the sidelines screaming and yelling," said Fred Engh, the group's president.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.