
She may be the only person in the world to remember him fondly, but a woman who worked as a maid for Adolf Hitler in the '30s says he was "a great boss," the Daily Mail reports.

"He was a charming man, someone who was only ever nice to me, a great boss to work for," Rosa Mitterer, 91, told the Mail of the murderous dictator. "You can say what you like, but he was a good man to us."

Mitterer, who worked at Hitler's Bavarian mountain retreat alongside her sister Anni before the start of World War II, said she only knew him as a kind employer.

"I remember so clearly the first day I spoke to him in the kitchen," Mitterer told the Daily Mail. "I said I was Anni's sister and that made him smile, because Anni was his favorite. I only ever knew Hitler as a kindly man who was good to me."

Mitterer's duties included sorting thousands of letters sent to the home, and feeding the dogs. Hitler also ordered Mitterer and her sister to attend church on a regular basis.

"I didn't have to be a Nazi party member or anything," Mitterer told the Mail. "After a while I relaxed a bit. Apparently it was Hitler's orders that Anni and I be taken to church every Sunday because he thought this would be 'good for us.'"

After the war, Mitterer was forced to confront the reality of the Holocaust and the reality of the man she worked for voluntarily.

"That he had ordered such terrible things, I just couldn't believe it," Mitterer told the Daily Mail.

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