
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Guest Blog

Senator Hillary Clinton is taking some criticism for making her first guest blogging appearance — on the women-run site called firedoglake.com. Mrs. Clinton wrote a blog on the site this week about pay equity.

But firedoglake.com is the online home of Jane Hamsher — who is known for her racially offensive attack on Senator Joe Lieberman last year. Hamsher was being critical of Lieberman for running as an independent against Democrat Ned Lamont. She posted a doctored photo of Lieberman in black face on huffingtonpost.com.

One Hillary Clinton supporter tells The Washington Post the decision to blog on Hamsher's site was "potentially problematic." But a Clinton spokesman said Hamsher's blog was picked because it is read by 100,000 people — and pointed out that Hamsher has apologized for the Lieberman photo.

Serious Threat?

A poll from CBS and The New York Times indicates that while most people see a threat in global warming — they are not ready to make major changes to stop it. When asked about an increase in the federal gasoline tax in order to cut down energy consumption and reduce global warming — 38 percent were in favor — but 58 percent were opposed.

And on the question of whether the government should focus on energy development or protecting the environment — 62 percent picked energy — and just 21 percent voted for the environment.

And speaking of voting — respondents were asked their opinions on political leaders who talk about environmental issues. 23 percent said they found politicians helpful, and 72 percent said they just find them confusing.

Animal Writes

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants the Associated Press to change the way its journalists write about animals. PETA's communications director has written to the AP asking that its stylebook be updated to recommend animals be referred to as "he" or "she," instead of "it."

The letter refers to animals as "feeling, intelligent individuals — not objects." But an AP spokesman tells editorandpublisher.com that the stylebook already directs writers to use "he" and "she" for animals whose gender is known.

The stylebook reads: "Do not apply a personal pronoun to an animal unless its sex has been established or the animal has a name."

Who's the Boss?

While many women have equality in American households, or may even be the bosses, women in other cultures often struggle against male domination. But now there is a town being planned in China where women would be the bosses — by law.

The Chinese government plans to spend almost $70 million to develop a tourist destination where the motto would be: "Women never make mistakes, and men can never refuse women's requests."

The rules would state that women make the decisions on shopping and lodging questions — and basically everything else. If a man objects, he would be subject to punishment such as, "kneeling on an uneven board," whatever that is, or sentenced to washing dishes in a restaurant.

And of course, they'd have to learn the Chinese words for "Yes dear, whatever you say dear."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.