
The following are the highlights of the 15-point agreement South and North Korea reached on procedural matters for the inter-Korean summit.

1. Composition and size of delegation — The South Korean delegation will be comprised of 130 members and the press delegation of 50.

2. Format and number of meetings and talks — Historic meetings will take place between President Kim Dae-jung and National Defense Committee Chairman Kim Jong-il, and South-North summit talks will be held. There will be at least two to three meetings, and more will be held if necessary.

3. Meeting and talks agenda — The agenda for the meetings and talks will include reconfirmation of the three principles for the reunification of the fatherland, which were proclaimed in the historic July 4 (1972) South-North Joint Statement, means to realize national reconciliation and unity, exchanges and cooperation, and peace and reunification.

4. Itinerary — The Southern delegation will stay in the North for two nights and three days from June 12 to 14, 2000. This period can be extended if necessary.

The Northern side will notify the Southern side of details of the Southern delegation's itinerary 10 days prior to the visit, and it will be finalized by consultations between the two sides.

5. Dispatch of advance team — The Southern side will send a 30-member advance team to the North 12 days prior to the delegation's visit. The advance team will travel through Panmunjom if necessary.

The advance team's itinerary and other detailed procedural matters will be worked out by consultations between the two sides upon their arrival in the North.

6. Travel procedures — The Southern delegation will travel by air or land. In case of air travel, the Southern side will use its planes and in case of land travel, it will use vehicles provided by the North to travel in the North.

The Southern side's advance team will use vehicles provided by the North and will pass through Panmunjom.

The Southern side will hand over the roster of members of the delegation and advance team to the North seven days and four days prior to the visit, respectively.

The rosters will include names, gender, positions and affiliations, and photos should be attached. Any changes to the lists will be communicated first by telephone and later in writing.

7. Provision of conveniences — The Northern side will provide the Southern members with room and board, transportation, communications, medical care and all other necessary conveniences.

The Southern delegation will comply with the guidance and orders established by the North during its stay in the North.

The Northern side will ensure the transportation of the South's pouches twice daily through Panmunjom during the Southern delegation's stay in the Northern area.

8. Guarantee of personal safety — The Northern side will deliver to the South a written guarantee of the personal safety of the Southern delegation signed by its premier three days prior to the visit.

The Northern side, in principle, guarantees noninterference with the personal belongings of the Southern (Continued on Page 17) side on the condition that they are appropriate for the purposes of their visit.

9. Identifications of delegation and journalists — Each side will adopt as it sees fit the identification tags for the members of its delegation.

Members of the news media will wear press armbands.

The members of the delegation and the news media from the South shall bear identification issued by their prime minister.

10. Signs and facilities for meeting and talks venues — There will not be any signs posted at the venues of the meetings and talks or other related events, including accommodation facilities.

No other facilities will be installed at the venues of the meetings and talks other than those that are needed for them.

The North will install communications facilities for use by the Southern delegation at the venues of the meetings and talks and related events, including accommodation facilities.

11. Recording meetings and talks — Each side may record the proceedings of the meetings and talks by any means it prefers, such as stenography, audio or video recording.

12. Media coverage of meetings and talks — The news media from each side may cover the meetings and talks as they see fit, and joint press releases may be prepared and issued as needed.

The North will guarantee the South on a top priority basis the necessary facilities and personnel to enable it to broadcast the events live and will make transmission lines and satellite channels available to send out television signals.

The North will provide support and conveniences to enable the Southern personnel to tape and produce live broadcasting programs independently.

13. News gathering — The Northern side will guarantee the news gathering activities of the members of the Southern media during their stay in the North.

Both sides will endeavor to ensure accurate and fair reporting.

14. Other procedural matters — During its stay in the North, the Southern delegation will use the existing direct telephone lines between Seoul and Pyongyang and satellite communications networks as backup.

Other procedural matters that may arise will comply with the precedents set for the South-North High-Level Talks.

15. Effectuation of Agreement — This agreement will enter into force on the day it is signed and exchanged between the two parties.