
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Car Trouble

We've told you the CEOs of the Big Three automakers came to Washington to plead for a federal bailout — but they didn't fly commercial.

ABC News online reports General Motors' Rick Wagoner, Alan Mulally of Ford and Chrysler's Robert Nardelli all flew to Washington aboard multi-million dollar corporate jets at around $20,000 per roundtrip. Wagoner flew aboard one of the eight luxury liners in GM's fleet that continues to ferry executives around the world despite the company's dire financial situation.

In comparison, commercial airline tickets from Detroit to Washington go for under $300 for coach and around $830 for first class.

State of Anger

Connecticut Democrats are not happy that Senator Joe Lieberman has retained the chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee despite his support for Republican John McCain during the presidential campaign.

The Democratic caucus voted Tuesday to condemn statements made by Lieberman but let him keep the coveted post, and the Democratic Connecticut Congressional Delegation today expressed solidarity with Lieberman.

But two members of the State's Democratic Central Committee are circulating a resolution asking for a public repudiation of Lieberman for what they call "extraordinary disloyalty to countless Connecticut Democrats without whom his career as an elected official would never have been possible."

The resolution asks Lieberman to resign from the party, but Lieberman was elected as an Independent although he remains a registered Democrat and caucuses with Senate Democrats.

Bad Impression

Both the United Nations and the Spanish government are coming under fire for a work of art at the U.N.'s Switzerland offices.

The 16,000 square-foot ceiling mural adorns the ceiling of the new Human Rights Council chamber. It took Spanish artist Miquel Barcelo two years and $23 million to complete. It was unveiled Tuesday during a ceremony attended by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

While Spanish taxpayers picked up most of the tab, around 633,000 came from funds normally used to help alleviate poverty and boost health care in poor countries. Spain's Opposition Party blasted the Spanish government and Executive Director of U.N. Watch Hillel Neuersays they "took money from starving children in Africa — and spent it on colorful stalactites."

The U.N. also bumped talks aimed at easing tensions between Georgia and Russia from Tuesday to Wednesday to make way for the ceremony.

On the House

Incoming Freshman Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah will have lots of company as he makes a frugal transition to life in the nation's capital.

The Politico newspaper reports the Republican will forego renting an apartment, instead joining the ranks of those who sleep in their offices and shower in the House gym. He will take his suits to the House dry cleaner and bundle his dirty socks and underwear to take home every weekend.

Chaffetz said, "My wife is just worried that it is going to stink. She said, 'Jason, get good air circulation.'"

Exactly how many members have their offices double as apartments is not clear, but some estimates put the number at around 40.

FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.