
With the end of October coming up on Friday, kids are prepping for one of the more magical moments of childhood: Halloween! But whether it’s TV, rap music, or just the sights on street corners, Halloween (search) has lost some of its innocence.

Beth Beasley is a 5th grade teacher who wrote us about her class preparations for Halloween. She asked her students what costumes they would wear. One boy got up and announced that he was going to dress up as a pimp for Halloween.

When she asked him if he knew what a pimp was, the boy said of course he did, and he didn’t see anything wrong with that occupation. Beth’s generally an optimist, but this coming from a 10-year old was a bit much.

Says Beth: “When I became a teacher, I thought I could change the world.  Now I'm seeing that I've changed and the world just keeps moving on. I'm glad I'm not a kid trying to grow up in this age.”

And that’s the Asman Observer.