
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes... join the debate!

• Retired General Wesley Clark (search) is the 10th democrat to enter the presidential race, but is it too late in the game for him to catch up to the other hopefuls? Or will his military experience be enough to surge him to the front of the campaign trail?

Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., an influential member of the party's black caucus, will tell us why Clark gets his vote.

• What havoc will Hurricane Isabel (search) wreak on the East Coast? How long will the clean up operation take and what will the long-term effects be?

FNC’s Geraldo Rivera and former FEMA director Joe Allbaugh will answer our questions.

• And then there were 10…Democrats vying for the presidency.

A general, a governor, a reverend, a senator…What characteristics will help any one candidate stand out in the crowded field? And do any have what it takes to compete with the president?

FOX News political analyst Susan Estrich and Republican strategist Rich Galen will join the debate.

• The California recall election date is up in the air, will this have an effect on the Schwarzenegger campaign?

Abel Maldonado, the statewide chair for the Arnold Schwarzenegger campaign, will join us.

Watch Hannity & Colmes LIVE  this evening at 9 p.m. ET!

--The Associated Press contributed to this report

-All guests and topics subject to change