
Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!

November 21:

The politics of war: Has Pennsylvania Democrat Congressman John Murtha ignited a war of words across the United States? We'll ask Representatives Dan Burton (R-Indiana) and Greg Meeks (D-New York) to join the debate!

Plus, we'll talk with both lawmakers about Friday's vote on the war in the House of Representatives.

Then, former President Bill Clinton is also speaking out about the war in Iraq. But his comments came while he was visiting the Middle East. What this a strategic mistake? Could it hurt the Bush administration's efforts to bring democracy to the region? Former Clinton adviser and author of the new book "Condi vs. Hillary" Dick Morris weighs in.

Also, Cindy Sheehan pens a letter to Barbara Bush complaining that her son the president killed her son, Casey! Has the anti-war activist crossed a line?

And wait till you hear this latest twist on politically correct Christmas celebrations... Guess what they're calling the special festive, decorated tree gracing the Boston Common this year?

These stories and much more... don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" tonight at 9 p.m. ET!

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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About the Show

Fast-paced and hard-hitting, "Hannity & Colmes" brings viewers a heated discussion in a nightly face-off. Relishing in controversial topics, personalities and social issues, conservative radio commentator Sean Hannity and liberal radio personality Alan Colmes offer their points-of-view in an often animated, always compelling debate.

But, unlike similar debate shows — which often appear scripted — "Hannity & Colmes" conducts a live, spur of the moment deliberation on politics and social topics. Also, differentiating the show is its dedication to "move away from the Beltway," bringing audiences an alternative discussion program without the "in" comments.

Adding fuel to the fire, several high-profile guests have joined the program on a wide-range of topics.

"With guests who are 'in the middle of the fight,' we're able to hear their point-of-view on the topics, as well as advance our own feelings," said Hannity.

"Believe it or not, I agree with that statement," quipped Colmes.