The total reward for information leading to the arrest of the serial sniper terrorizing the Washington, D.C., area reached $200,000 Tuesday, as Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening said the shooter is nothing more than a coward.
"This is a person who is shooting elderly men, shooting women, and now shooting little children," Glendening said, one day after a 13-year-old boy was critically wounded as he walked to school. "And I really think if there is any message, it is for this individual to turn himself in, to stop this insane killing."
How is the Maryland manhunt affecting your kids? Dr. Georgia Witkin will have some tips to help you cope.
And Yasein Taher was voted "friendliest'' senior at Lackawanna High School in 1996. Faysal Galab, in his lawyer's words, "is a loyal American who loves his country.'' Both men are among six Americans of Yemeni descent accused of participating in an Al Qaeda sleeper cell awaiting orders from Usama bin Laden's terror network to carry out an assault within U.S. borders.
U.S. Magistrate H. Kenneth Schroeder Jr. must now decide which portrait of the men to believe: federal prosecutors who want the six behind bars or defense attorneys who argue they are no threat. Judge Andrew Napolitano will give his expert legal analysis.
Plus the United States Marine Corps has a new film dedicated to the men and women who sacrifice their lives for their country called, Enduring Freedom. We’ll give you a look and talk to General Andrew Davis, the director of public affairs for the Marine Corps.
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