Guests and Topics for November 15

Here's what is on tap for Tuesday:

"FOX & Friends First"
Starts at 6 a.m. ET

The 18-year-old man suspected of killing a Pennsylvania couple and fleeing with their daughter is in police custody. Now officials must decide, was Kara Beth Borden a victim or accomplice? We'll ask Rod Wheeler, former D.C. homicide investigator and a FOX News contributor.

Free trade and tackling the bird flu are on President Bush's agenda for his eight-day trip to Asia. At home, the commander-in-chief is dealing with low poll numbers and criticism over Iraq. Does he need to rethink his white house playbook? We'll get a fair and balanced debate from political strategists Leslie Sanchez and Scott Segal.

The leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq is now trying to justify the deadly attacks in Jordan. Are the hotel bombings putting terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on the defensive? Geoff Porter, Middle East analyst for Eurasia Group, weighs in.

"FOX & Friends First"
Starts at 6 a.m. ET

President Bush defends himself against criticism about pre-war intelligence during a speech on the first leg his trip to Asia. We'll get reaction from two members of the House International Relations Committee: Reps. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Peter King, R-N.Y.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, explains why she wants Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to take action to better protect our borders or else she will.

And, the Van Zant brothers are best known as the lead singers for the bands 38 Special and Lynyrd Skynyrd. But the duo is nominated for a Country Music Association award at Tuesday night's CMAs.

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This offbeat morning show features anchors E.D. Hill, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. They take a look at the day's news, sports and weather from a different perspective. It is an interactive show where you can call in to voice your opinion or have your e-mail read. Anything can happen and usually does!

Every day, syndicated radio host and FOX contributor Mancow joins the show with unique insights and commentary on the day's news events, bringing his own brand of offbeat and irreverent humor from his WKQX studio in Chicago.

Plus, now you can watch America's No. 1 cable news morning show seven days a week, as hosts Juliet Huddy, Julian Phillips and Mike Jerrick man the morning show ship on the weekends!

There's no telling what "FOX & Friends" will be cooking up outside our Manhattan studios on 6th Avenue. So, if you are in New York, drop by — the Morning Crew loves an audience! We are located at: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, between 47th and 48th streets.

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