
I'd like to comment on an email I received from a viewer in Kansas City, Missouri.

Eileen T. writes that she's grown tired of our ground zero shots. She asks: "Must you guys constantly show that same World Trade Center image? It's just a demolition site now. It's overkill. I'm tired of it."

Well you know something, Eileen? I'm not tired of it. Not one bit. I don't think we can show it enough. Or remind ourselves enough. Or force all of us to think about it enough. Because it's big. It's central to what we're doing now, and what we're fighting for.

Three thousand people died down there. Three thousand.

Men. Women. Rich. Poor. Big Wall Street muckety-mucks. Decent, hard-working secretaries. Giants and janitors. Policemen and firemen. Financial kingpins and window washers.

All are gone now, and I hope we don't soon forget them or cringe at the site that reminds us of them.

I have been to ground zero many times. The pain there is palpable, the loss very real for me and for countless others. I think of the friends I'll never see again. I think of the guests on this very show I'll never book again. They are gone, but they will not be forgotten.

It's is an ugly scene, Eileen. You're right. But it reminds me of what this war on terror is all about: making sure the tragedy of Sept. 11 is never repeated here or anywhere else ever again.

It's a lofty goal, and maybe an unrealistic one. But I'd much sooner see shots of Ground Zero every day and hope, than forget what happened there and dream.

So while it pains you to see it, Eileen… it pains me more not to.

What do you think?  Send your comments to: cavuto@foxnews.com

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