
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 30, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: I want to bring in a representative from another tea party group now. Joining us on the phone from Sitka, Alaska is Amy Kremer. She is the chair of the Tea Party Express.

Amy, you've been listening to the program. First of all, is there anything you agree or disagree that you wanted to get out?

AMY KREMER, CHAIR, TEA PARTY EXPRESS (via telephone): Hey, Glenn. Well, thanks for having me.

BECK: Sure.

KREMER: I am up here in Alaska working on a Senate campaign for Joe Miller. But no. I mean, I think that we all need to come together and work together in this movement.

This is room for all of us and there is definitely plenty of work to be done, you know, to focus on the three core values and principles of the tea party movement. And ultimately, I think that what we need to focus on is getting true conservatives to elected office. The time has come to put down the protest signs and pick up the campaign signs.


KREMER: And get involved because that's how we're truly going to effect change through the ballot box.

BECK: OK. Amy, I have to ask because there is controversy surrounding the Tea Party Express. Mark Williams — he is the guy who said, "Allah is a monkey god." He said, "All Muslims are animals." He said we need to repeal the 13th and 14th Amendment. He said things about the president of United States — all of them are inexcusable.

KREMER: Right.

BECK: He is no longer with your organization?

KREMER: No, he is not. He is no longer with our organization. He resigned as chairman well over a month ago and is no longer with the organization at all.

BECK: OK. And do you reject those statements and those ideas behind those statements?

KREMER: Absolutely. And not only myself, but the Tea Party Express rejects those statements and those ideas. Mark Williams, while I don't agree with him, I certainly would have never said them. And I wish he wouldn't have said.

He did that on his own behalf, on his own blog. It is not representative of the Tea Party Express or the tea party movement. And I agree with everyone else that that kind of thing will not be tolerated.

BECK: Did you know Mark?

KREMER: Yes, I know Mark.

BECK: And you didn't — I mean, you know, some people can hide, you know, things like crazy. But you didn't see that coming at all from him?

KREMER: Mark is — I mean, Mark is a radio talk show host. He is sensational. He is a shock jock. He says things in ways that you nor I would say them. But -

BECK: Hold on just a second. I'm a recovering shock jock. I got into radio when I was 13 years old. And believe me, Howard Stern has — well, no, he outdid me. But in my wildest dreams, I would never have said Allah is a monkey god or all Muslims are animals or we should repeal the 13th or 14th Amendment. That doesn't — shock jock doesn't cover that.

KREMER: But Glenn, that is Mark Williams' personality. And I can't sit here and make excuses for him. I mean, he is no longer with our Tea Party Express. And you know, I'm not going to comment for Mark Williams.

BECK: That's right.

KREMER: I don't agree with what he said. Tea Party Express doesn't agree with it. And that's not what we want to focus on.

BECK: How are you — because, quite honestly, Amy, I hate to hammer you on this because I understand he is gone. But if you have somebody who was leading it that was saying things like that, and in, you know, the current atmosphere, not way in the past, but in the current atmosphere, how do you make sure that your members know we have — that we will rat you out. Even if you are a shock jock, we don't want you to be anywhere near us because we do not agree with those things.

KREMER: Well, that is exactly why Mark Williams resigned right after the "monkey god" comment or blog post on his blog. And I was on "The View" back in May and I said then and I'll say it again, you know, that we're not going to tolerate racism. There is no place for it in this movement.

Not only myself, but the people in the movement aren't going to tolerate it. And I mean, I've had conversations with him about it. But again, I can't speak for him but I know that we at Tea Party Express, you know, do not — we are not racists. We are not going to tolerate that.

We have several African-Americans, Lloyd Marcus, William Owens, Kevin Jackson. Even Herman Cain has been part of Tea Party Express and participated with us. We're actually having a black conservative event in Washington next week that I think Herman Cain just confirmed at.

You know, so our members know that is not what Tea Party Express is about. And these people have been part of all three of our successful tours. We are getting ready to launch a fourth tour. And so our members are well aware of that.

BECK: OK. Amy, thank you very much. We'll be back in just a second.


BECK: At GlennBeck.com, and I hosted a two-hour special that I called "Fundamental Transformation of America." It included a half-hour documentary that is a little hair-raising. It's for Insider Extreme members if you would like to watch. It's posted on GlennBeck.com right now. Sign up for an Insider Extreme account.

Back with Mark Skoda, Jenny Beth Martin, Matt Kibbe and Yvonne Donnelly. And I guess — Jenny, let me come to you because Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots — there is the confusion between the two.

And those are — the statements that we just heard from Amy about a former president of the Tea Party Express are horrifying.

JENNY BETH MARTIN, TEA PARTY PATRIOTS CO-FOUNDER: They are horrifying. And we have known this. Tea Party Patriots has known about this since September of last year. We put out a statement publicly distancing ourselves — distancing ourselves from that entire organization because they would not distance themselves from him.

And just last week, Amy Kremer said she would not throw a fellow conservative under the bus talking about Mark Williams. If that happened in our organization with one of our national coordinators, they would be out and it would be on public record, that we would not tolerate that. We're not going to.

BECK: So does your organization condemn that organization?

MARTIN: Yes. We do. They knew — they knew. They knew last year that he was making comments that were unacceptable about the president, and they stood by him.

BECK: I would tell you — does anybody here buy into the — "well, he's a radio talk show host" thing?


MARTIN: Absolutely not.

BECK: Not at all. So I just don't — that conversation with Amy — I'm sorry, Amy, that just doesn't ring true to me. It's just not right.

MARTIN: When you are a spokesman for an organization or the chairman of the organization that's so public like Tea Party Express or Tea Party Patriots or FreedomWorks, any of these — we no longer have our own blog and our own voice. Everything that we say is under a microscope and will be associated with our organization and the movement.

BECK: If somebody said that, would you allow them to resign, Matt, or would you fire them?

MATT KIBBE, FREEDOMWORKS PRESIDENT: I would fire them. And we've been — and this is how you have to protect this community. And if you know this, if want an organization, if you want employees, you have to protect the good actors by being very tough on the bad actors.

BECK: Well, let me leave you with this story on this particular topic. It's something I learned from Alveda King. She — they took a vow of nonviolence and you don't break the lines ever.

And a friend of hers was knocked to the ground and being beaten. And she went in to try to help. She spent the whole night in jail because her father said, "I saw you break the line." Zero tolerance, no matter what the reason. Zero tolerance.

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