
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, January 21, 2003, that was edited for clarity. Click here for complete access to all of Neil Cavuto's CEO interviews.

Watch Your World w/Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Are roller coasters bad for the brain? The debate is not new. What is new is a pair of studies put out today by Six Flags itself. The finding? Roller coasters do not damage the brain. Believable since it was paid for by Six Flags? The company's president says, you bet.  Joining us now from Washington, Gary Story.

Mr. Story, I would doubt something coming from a study you paid for?

GARY STORY, PRESIDENT, SIX FLAGS (PKS): Not at all, Neil. These are two very prestigious organizations, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Exponent Failure Analysis. These are people that do not sell their opinions.

CAVUTO: What did you study to find out that this was not the case?

STORY: We studied two pieces. We looked first at the science of what G-forces are all about. And the real fallacy in the debate to date has been the idea that G-forces are damaging. And it has nothing to do with a G-force in of itself because you and I in every day life experience G- forces. Sitting down in a chair you can pull more G-forces than you will on a roller coaster. The whole key to the debate has been the duration of G-forces, which is what any astronaut, and we had two of the those as members of the panel, would explain to you.

CAVUTO: So you're arguing roller coasters have been around a long time, we'd certainly have more history or evidence of problems if that was a factor, right?

STORY: That's absolutely right. There have been more than 60 billion rides on theme park rides in the last 30 years alone.

CAVUTO: All right. Gary Story, the president of Six Flags, your side, thank you, sir.

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