
Most hotels offer clean accommodations, room service and exercise equipment designed for people. But in Nantes, France, hotel owners Frederic Tabary and Yann Falquerho are offering an altogether different experience: the chance to live like a hamster, Reuters reported

At the Hamster Villa, guests spend $148 a night to eat hamster food, sleep in hay stacks, and run in a people-sized hamster wheel, according to Reuters.

Tabary and Falquerho own a company that rents out unusual places.

“The hamster in the world of children is that little cuddly animal,” Falquerho said, according to Reuters.

“Often, the adults who come here have wanted or did have hamsters when they were small.”

Guests Maud and Sebastien were the first to brave life in a cage, telling Reuters they wanted “to become a hamster, eat seeds, change our way of life ... come out of our daily routine.”

Maud and Sebastien will not be completely relegated to animal living. The rooms also have wireless Internet and big screen TVs, Reuters reported.

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