FOX News cameras went inside an operating room as a 20-year-old student underwent an abortion, as part of a documentary titled "Facing Reality, Choice," that will air Saturday, Oct. 27, at 9 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel.
In the scene FOX does not focus on the surgical details of the abortion procedure, but it is emotionally wrenching, however, as the woman cries through the abortion and her mother, beside her for emotional support, learns this is her daughter's second abortion in less than a year.
The FOX documentary profiles three women to explore the abortion issue by following their agonizing decisions to have their babies or terminate their pregnancies.
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FOX News follows Kayla, a 20-year-old student, as well as a 20-something married couple, Brooke and Tom, desperately trying to have a second child. Brooke finally conceives, but four months into her pregnancy they learn that their baby has a fatal genetic defect and that it will survive no more than a few hours after it is born.
FOX News followed a third woman, Jeanne, for more than a year. A single woman battling a drug problem, she already has five children by two different men. None of them live with her.
When she become pregnant again, she allowed FOX cameras to follow her as she decided between abortion, adoption or keeping her baby.
The FOX News documentary is groundbreaking in that it does not touch at all on the political debate or legal analysis surrounding abortion.
All that is seen and heard during the hour are the women and families as they struggle to choose what to do about their pregnancies.
Watch "Facing Reality, Choice," hosted by E.D. Hill and produced by Rachel Feldman, at 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 on the FOX News Channel.