
More than 34 million Americans are expected to hit the road this Fourth of July holiday and with the price of gas hovering around $3 a gallon they will pay dearly for the privilege. Because of the rising price of crude oil, gas prices have shot up 34 percent since 2000, according to Foreign Policy magazine, and we're all feeling the pinch.

Here are four ways to gas up without going broke:

Steer clear of roadside stations. On road trips, many of us rely on the gas stations lining the interstate, but we're charged a high premium for the convenience they offer. You can save a bundle by refueling just a few blocks away from the highway. Hint: The better the neighborhood, the more expensive the gas is likely to be.

Hunt for reasonable prices online. Before you set out, compare prices online at Web sites GasPriceWatch.com and Gasbuddy.com, which monitor prices throughout the country. But beware: Both services depend on volunteer spotters to update price information, so listings aren't always current.

Visit discount retailers. Wal-Mart and Kmart, among others, sell low-cost gas to lure shoppers into their stores, and wholesale outlets Costco and Sam's Club also offer good deals on gas. The trade off? You may have to wait in line at the pumps.

Get a gas rebate card. In many cases, fuel discount cards offer a better rebate in the first 60 days. After this period elapses, your rebate often drops from 10 percent to 5 percent. By getting a card before a long trip, you can make the most of the better rate. Another option is to sign up for a credit card, such as Citi Dividend Platinum Select Card, which offers 5 percent cash back on all brands of gas.

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