
A quick trip around Hannity's America...

Jobs for Sale

With the unemployment rate soaring, the White House decided to do its part to stop the swelling.

Well, sort of.

Harper's Magazine is reporting that if you want to be an ambassador in the Obama administration, it will cost you roughly $500,000 in political contributions.

Major DNC donors are now being installed at diplomatic posts worldwide, and some are so controversial that countries like Germany have actually refused to sign off on the president's nominees.

Half a million dollars for a job? That's even more than what it costs for a night in the Lincoln bedroom during the Clinton administration.

Back Off, Barack

With the universal nightmare looming, new polling data is showing that most Americans are actually happy with their health care coverage and they want Democrats to back off.

The latest Rasmussen Poll shows a sharp improvement in how Americans view the U.S. health care system overall, with 48 percent rating it as good or excellent compared to 29 percent in June 2008. It also shows that only 19 percent of those polled rated it as poor.

President Obama may want to look at this: 80 percent of those polled rate their own coverage as good or excellent. That's an 11-point increase in only a year.

Now I have an idea: Instead of wasting $1 trillion on health care reform that nobody wants, why not just give everybody a tax cut!

Small Town Stimulus

Our Waste 101 update features some of the country's tiniest cities.

Ouzinkie, Alaska, is located on an island off the coast to the mainland, and has a population of 165 people. They have no stores, no gas stations, not even a stoplight, but the federal government is now sending $15 million of your stimulus dollars straight to Ouzinkie to rebuild the airport there. That comes out to be about $90,000 a resident.

Not only that, according to the nonprofit journalism group Pro Publica, the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in Fort Yates, North Dakota, has an airport that is receiving $1 million stimulus dollars and only about 200 planes take off and land there each and every year.

Let's put that in perspective: That's about the same number of planes that pass through the Atlanta airport, Hartsfield, every 90 minutes.

Soft on Communism

Our Great Moment in Liberal Foreign Policy is brought to you by President Obama.

The president has repeatedly voiced his hope that Raul Castro will bring democratic change to communist Cuba and is eager to "recast relations with that nation." In an effort to do so, it turned off a news ticker at the American mission in Havana that supplied Cuban citizens with news and information. President George W. Bush installed the ticker in 2006, and according to Reuters it "infuriated" former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Well this weekend, current President Raul Castro celebrated the fact that the Obama administration is "less aggressive" than the Bush administration, and said, "I was elected to defend, maintain and continue perfecting socialism, not destroy it."

Sounds like the president's appeasement and weakness is working like a charm.

Hard Times

The New York Obama Times is having a rough year, and apparently its publisher Pinch Sulzberger is too.

The New York Post reports that at a Frankie Valley concert over the weekend: "About 10,000 people were there... The Borough president announced there was a celebrity in the crowd [Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.]... Dead silence from the crowd, except for some scattered boos."


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