
Some of the deadly bombing attacks in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein in a U.S.-led invasion last year.

March 18: A car bomb explodes near a British military patrol in the southern city of Basra, killing four people, including a suspected homicide bomber. Passers-by fatally stab another suspected bomber.

March 17: A car bomb destroys the Jabal Lebanon Hotel (search) in central Baghdad. The U.S. military, citing Iraqi officials, says seven people are killed.

March 2: Coordinated blasts strike Shiite Muslim (search) shrines in the southern city of Karbala and in Baghdad, killing at least 181 people.

Feb. 23: A homicide bomber detonates an explosives-packed vehicle outside a police station in the northern city of Kirkuk, killing at least eight other people.

Feb. 18: Two bomb-laden trucks blow up outside a Polish-run base in Hillah (search), killing at least 10 people, including the two drivers. Some 65 people are wounded, including Iraqis, Filipinos, Poles, Hungarians and an American.

Feb. 11: A homicide attacker blows up a car packed with explosives in a crowd of Iraqis waiting outside an army recruiting center in Baghdad, killing 47 people.

Feb. 10: A homicide bomber explodes a truckload of explosives outside a police station in Iskandariyah (search), 30 miles south of Baghdad, killing 53 people.

Feb. 1: Twin homicide bombers kill 109 people in two Kurdish party offices in the northern city of Irbil.

Jan. 31: At least nine killed, 45 wounded by car bomb outside police station in the northern city of Mosul.

Jan. 18: Homicide car bombing near main gate to U.S.-led coalition's headquarters in Baghdad kills at least 31 people.

Jan. 17: Roadside bomb explodes near Baghdad, killing three U.S. soldiers and two Iraqi civil defense troopers. U.S. death toll reaches 500 with bombing.

Dec. 31, 2003: Car bomb rips through restaurant holding New Year's Eve party, killing eight Iraqis.

Dec. 14: Suspected homicide bomber detonates explosives in car outside police station in Khaldiyah, killing at least 17 people.

Nov. 22: Car bombs hit two police stations northeast of Baghdad, killing at least 12 Iraqis.

Nov. 20: Truck bomb explodes near Kurdish party office in northern oil city of Kirkuk, killing five people. Local officials blame Islamic extremists linked to Al Qaeda.

Nov. 12: Homicide truck bomber attacks headquarters of Italy's paramilitary police in southern city of Nasiriyah, killing more than 30 people, including 19 Italians.

Oct. 27: Four homicide bombings target international Red Cross (search) headquarters and four Iraqi police stations in Baghdad, killing 40 people, mostly Iraqis.

Oct. 9: Suicide bomber drives Oldsmobile into police station in Baghdad's Sadr City district, killing nine Iraqis.

Aug. 29: Car bomb explodes outside mosque in Shiite Muslim holy city of Najaf, killing more than 85 people, including Shiite leader Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim (search).

Aug. 19: Truck bomber strikes U.N. headquarters in Baghdad, killing 22, including top U.N. envoy to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello.

Aug. 7: Car bomb explodes outside Jordanian Embassy, killing 19, including two children.