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If you watched last night's show, you might have noticed something odd. My colleague Patti Ann Browne anchored one of our segments (she anchored the "E block.") Why? Because some weather problem hit us in Ohio where I was and for technical reasons I was gone... at least gone from the television screen. If she had not stepped in, we would have been in black for a few minutes (until it could be resolved.) Patti Ann was sitting at the anchor desk in New York City and simply picked up the ball and ran. She did a great job with zero notice. She was so good she made the problem seem seamless. I bet none of you noticed it (so far I have not read an e-mail with anyone noticing it.) While she anchored the "E Block," the technical issues were sorted out and I returned for the last segment — "F" — and finished the show. Yes, the surprises of live TV….

I have posted a bunch of pictures today. They are from our trip to Ohio to cover the search for the missing pregnant woman, Jessie Davis. On Tuesday we went inside her home with her sister and shot video as we walked around. I also shot some still pictures on my point and shoot. Since we are the only ones who have gotten into the home, you will only get the inside from us. The inside of the house provides many clues to law enforcement.

• Click here to check out my exclusive photo essay

The posted still pictures show such things as the backdoor of Jessie's house (off the kitchen) which was probably her exit (and probably not a voluntary exit). Another picture shows there is fingerprint dust around the door, so the police obviously suspect the backdoor as the point of exit. The exterior of the house shows one small light, which could have been turned off to hide someone leaving with her at that exit. One picture shows her bedroom is torn up by the forensic people (the carpet is removed from the floor and the mattresses are pushed up against the wall). The picture of her bathroom suggests she did not get up to go to work on Thursday morning as usual. There is a picture of her toddler son Blake's bed with the bread he found to eat while he waited for an adult to show up (which did not happen until Friday morning). Another picture even shows the spot where Blake found the bread in the kitchen. You can see Jessie's alarm clock set for 5:20 a.m. and the front of her house. There are also pictures of our live site, our colleague Jeff Goldblatt in the satellite truck, my producer Steph Watts and FOX News' Laura Ingle!

Going inside Jessie's home was very hard for Jesse's sister, Whitney, but she did for one reason: She realizes that media attention could help solve the question of what happened to her sister. Maybe someone saw something… or knows something and will call police. So the more information about her sister's disappearance, the better. After we shot the video in the house, we went back to our satellite truck and fed the tape to New York. Our colleagues in New York had to cut the tape — we had about 45 minutes of tape and needed to cut it to what you saw last night.

One of the good things about going out on a story is that you get to see your friends. The first person I saw when we drove up to the sheriff's department in Canton, Ohio was FNC's Laura Ingle. I have not seen her — in person — in a long time. I hardly recognized her at first since, she was in a jacket with the hood over her head (yes, rain). I only saw her for a second — which is too bad. As soon as I pulled up to the sheriff department, and as soon as I saw her, I had to rush over to Jessie Davis' house. I had expected to see Laura when I got back to the sheriff's department but missed her.

I was able to spend time with FNC's Jeff Goldblatt. Jeff, as you know, works out of our Chicago bureau and we have worked many stories together over the years. Yesterday we got to work together in the satellite truck. Actually, poor Jeff: I hijacked his workspace and, to make matters even worse for him, I used his charger for my phone. On remote locations, using someone's charger can be a death penalty offense, but Jeff was gracious in sharing it with me. I bet he is glad I am leaving Ohio today!

Also, click here to check out the video blog I've posted today. Yesterday in Ohio, while at the live site outside the sheriff department, a tremendous downpour hit us. I have never seen so much rain!! We all ran for cover in the satellite truck. It got pretty crowded inside since we all got the same idea at the same time and the satellite truck is not designed for large crowds. As we waited for the storm to pass, I took advantage of the time and did a video blog. Yes, the inside story — the inside scoop — of what we all do when we are all hiding in the satellite truck avoiding lightening and rain. We had fun doing the video blog and it was a pleasant break from the terrible sadness of the missing mother.

We were going to go to Florida today from Ohio, but last night our plans changed. Now we are headed back to Washington, D.C. I should have known this would happen — our job, as you know, has no schedule.

Now for some e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Last night, you had a 'friend' of the missing pregnant lady on your show and interviewed her. Listening to her, the boyfriend sounded like a great guy. Is she on the same planet as everyone else? All the reports I've read today talk about this man and his violent past, and that the pregnant woman had a new boyfriend.
Some things just don't add up.

E-mail No. 2 [this e-mail responds to an e-mail in Tuesday's blog]

I have to respond to E-mail No. 11. As an operator in Emergency Communications I must defend and explain. Although I don't work directly for 911, I take calls forwarded from them for fire, ambulance, rescue, hazmat, etc. When you get a call from someone hysterical, you have to take control of the situation and a lot of that is done by the tone of your voice. If you do not have control the call can get completely out of hand in seconds. I have taken hundreds of calls and getting the initial information is vital. When you think the operator is not paying attention they are actually entering the information into the computer and getting units enroute to your location. I have been cursed, hung up on and screamed at more times than I can count and I have to keep a steady, calm voice whether it's taking a call for a broken finger or giving CPR instructions to someone on a loved one. I have listened to this particular 911 call and the operator was completely in control of the call. The mother did a great job giving information and I assume, as per protocol, the location and call-back number were given at the beginning. The stress in this job is unbelievable as we deal every day with potential life and death emergencies.
We are highly trained and certified by the state and have to re-cert every 2 years with other training yearly.
Thanks for letting me set the record straight and thanks for the great job you do putting these stories out there.
Dody Cole

E-mail No. 3 [This e-mail refers to a guest on FOX yesterday afternoon]

With such a violent past... I can not believe that Nikki Giavasis is so willing to speak out about Bobby Cutts. Is she not concerned about her, and her daughter's, safety? Is she in hiding? Is anyone protecting them?
I think it is a brave thing to do, come forward, but at what cost? She claims that her daughter is traumatized and seeking professional help. So, how will letting the country know what her father did to her help this poor innocent little girl. And, if indeed her father has anything to do with disappearance of Jessie, she will then need to deal with the fact that her father is a criminal... or maybe even a murderer.
I am sad for Nikki. I am sad that she did not "think" before going to the press. Going to the police is one thing, talking to the press is another. I think she did the interview for her own self gain.
Just my opinion. But please think about the innocent before airing interviews using names and photos.
Sheila Elliott
Atlanta, GA

E-mail No. 4

The lesson is "College students have no business using live-porn-strippers for entertainment." But then, I already knew that!
Too bad those boys didn't.
A.Y. Grant
Houston, TX

E-mail No. 5

1) Have you learned anything watching the Duke lacrosse players case this past 15 months?
I am sorry to say that I haven't watched your show that long.
2) Have you learned anything watching the Anna Nicole Smith coverage?
I have learned that technology is a curse and a blessing (reversed on purpose). A ridiculous amount of time is spent covering Anna and Paris. I agree that they are newsworthy, but the coverage has been extremely excessive. It is sad that Anna passed, but there is nothing anyone can do to help her now and Paris is hopefully learning a lesson that she will pass to the misguided teens that idolize her when her time is done. I am sure the families of the missing people you have covered would appreciate more airtime, and the ones that haven't made the news would definitely appreciate the airtime. Leave entertainment news to ET.

E-mail No. 6

Dear Greta,
If you interview Patricia Porter, Jessie Davis' mother, the missing woman from North Canton, Ohio, ask her whether the 2-year-old boy was at home when Patricia talked to Jessie at 9:20 Wed. evening.
I wonder whether the father was visiting with the boy that evening. In Ohio, the standard visitation order calls for a mid-week visit, usually Wednesday. The non-custodial parent, the police officer, could have had the boy with him that evening. It would be interesting to know whether the boy was with Jessie when Patricia talked to her that evening. My inclination is that the police officer had something to do with Jessie's disappearance. Can't figure out why he would harm her if she's carrying his child. Either the baby isn't his or she threatened to move or leave the area or break off their relationship. Pregnant women can get pretty emotional. He could have reacted to something she said or did.
Great work!
Tracey O'Day

E-mail No. 7

Yea, Greta;
Put your fingerprints all over the purse of the missing woman. How stupid can you be! When are you going to understand you are NOT a legitimate investigator? The police should have that purse, and should have taken the prints from it — and NONE of you should be in that house. Don't you remember the evidence of the Simpson trial? All those police walking all over the blood evidence! Some people never learn. It's none of our business about that house! Butt out, ok? Let the police do their job! You are contaminating the evidence, and making me really angry! You will never learn what happened to anybody — you are too stupid to let people do their job!
Patricia Hammond
Nine Mile Falls, WA

ANSWER: Patricia, you might want to consider these facts and sending a different e-mail to me: 1) The scene was processed by law enforcement; 2) After they concluded they were finished, they gave the house back to the family... they released it as a crime scene 3) The FBI was in the front yard as we went through it with our cameras and 4) Finally, a question to you: If the disappearance remains unsolved for five years, do you expect the house to remain there dormant? Why do you think the police released it?

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET