
Mexico's President Vicente Fox has given Mexicans living here illegally another reason to stay underground. If he has his way, Mexicans will be able to vote for their next president, even while they're in the U.S. illegally.

President Fox has asked the Mexican Congress to allow all Mexicans living outside the country to vote. Most of the 10 million Mexicans living abroad are here in the States, and many of them -- no one knows exactly how many -- are here illegally.

President Fox has picked up on a trend among American politicians to legalize the activities of illegal immigrants. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is sponsoring a bill to allow Florida's 400,000 illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses.

Says Gov. Bush: "We shouldn't allow them to come into the country to begin with, but once they're here, what do you do?"

But if illegal immigrants are allowed to drive cars, get welfare and vote, why shouldn't they be allowed to run for office, too? Who knows: Maybe the next president of Mexico is now an illegal immigrant driving a cab in Miami.

And that's The Observer.